spectroscopic binary

Alert Notice 859: Photometry and spectroscopy requested for bright binaries being observed with CHARA - Revised (backup copy)

Note: The Alert Notice text below has been revised from the original version issued April 18, 2024.  - Elizabeth O. Waagen, April 19, 2024

Observers are also reminded that it is essential to use the comparison and check stars indicated for the photometry target. If they are too far apart to fit into the same field of view as the target, use PEP-style observing, that is, alternate images of variable, comp, and check.

April 22, 2024                                            REVISED VERSION

Alert Notice 859: Photometry and spectroscopy requested for bright binaries being observed with CHARA - Revised

Note: The Alert Notice text below has been revised from the original version issued April 18, 2024.  - Elizabeth O. Waagen, April 19, 2024

Observers are also reminded that it is essential to use the comparison and check stars indicated for the photometry target. If they are too far apart to fit into the same field of view as the target, use PEP-style observing, that is, alternate images of variable, comp, and check.

April 22, 2024                                            REVISED VERSION

Alert Notice 851: Multiwavelength coverage requested for V695 Cyg study with HST

February 14, 2024

AAVSO Forum threads (scroll to the bottom of a thread for latest posts):
- Campaigns & Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/v-695-cyg-campaign-2024

Please subscribe to this thread if you are participating in the campaign so you may be updated by the astronomers and by HQ. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Alert Notice PEP #A: Special Alert Notice to PEP Observers [HR 913 = HD 18894]

September 22, 1980

187 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Tel. 617-354-0484



In a recent letter from Dr. Richard Wade of the California Institute of Technology, he wrote: