HST campaign on 12 dwarf novae - Alert Notice 796

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 10/19/2022 - 21:50

AAVSO Alert Notice 796 announces an observing campaign on 12 dwarf novae over the coming 12 months in support of HST observations; the first target is scheduled for late October. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST campaign on 12 dwarf novae - Timetable

Below is the timetable for the 12 dwarf novae being observed with HST over the coming year (see Alert Notice 796). This table will be updated as each target is scheduled and after the HST observations have taken place.

Targets: October 2022 – September 2023

Name (primary VSX name) R.A. (2000) Dec (2000) Range CV type HST window

Scheduled for/Completed

ZTF18acxhphf (Aqr) 22 52 37.05 -05 19 17.0 18.4-21.3 g IBWD+E October 2022

October 28 Nov 17 17:32:14 UT -  Nov18 00:50:55 UT completed

V479 And 00 18 56.93 +34 54 44.2 16.7-17.9 V AM: November 2022

December 22-23 2022 completed

CH UMa 10 07 00.72 +67 32 47.5 10.7-15.3 V UG December 2022 completed
ASASSN-18dg (Eri) 04 07 49.30 -00 07 16.7 15.5-21.3 g UGSU/IBWD+E January 2023 February 10-11 completed
SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 (Cnc) 08 04 49.49 +16 16 24.9 17.8-19.1 CV IBWD February 2023 February 16 completed
SSS 100511:061754-362655 (Col) 06 17 53.83 -36 26 54.5 14.2-18 CV UG March 2023 March 24 completed
GP Com 13 05 42.40 +18 01 03.8 15.7-16.2 V IBWD April 2023 May 25
SDSS J161909.10+135145.5 (Her) 16 19 09.10 +13 51 45.6 15.2-17.9 g UGZ May 2023 May 5 completed
HP Lib 15 35 53.07 -14 13 12.2 13.55-13.8 V IBWD+ZZB: June 2023 June 23 completed
V1082 Sgr 19 07 21.87 -20 46 50.5 13.4-15.6 V DQ: July 2023 August 11 - no, too risky to observe
V584 Lyr 19 10 59.42 +28 56 38.7 14.3-19.6 V UG August 2023 August 24-25 completed
LL Lyr 18 35 12.82 +38 20 04.3 12.9-18.5 V UG September 2023 not observable - added to 2024

Charts with comparison stars for the targets may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP). Please use WebObs to submit observations to the AAVSO International Database (AID).

Many thanks, and Good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Faintest comp star dots on target charts

If you are making charts for very faint targets (e.g., an 'F' or 'G' scale chart for ZTF18acxhphf), you will see that the dots for the faintest comp stars do not show. This problem has to do with VSP and is not able to be fixed at the present.

As a work-around, please choose the DSS chart option in VSP when creating the chart, which will show the actual sky and should enable you to identify the comp stars. Many thanks, and our apologies for the inconvenience.

Good observing,



ZTF18acxhphf HST observations postponed to November

Dear All,

Thanks a lot for joining this campaign and for the latest data!

The observations of ZTF18acxhphf (originally scheduled on October 28th) have been postponed to November. The HST team had to update the schedule in order to favour another time-critical program.

For the moment, the plan is to observe both ZTF18acxhphf and V479 And in November.
We will post here when then new HST observing date will be confirmed.

As always, fell free to get in touch in case of any doubts or questions :)

All the best,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ZTF18acxhphf being observed with HST Nov 17-18

AAVSO Alert Notice 799 reports on the scheduling of ZTF18acxhphf with HST for 2022 November 17-18.  Please see the notice for exact time, details, and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

ZTF18acxhphf completed - next HST target CH UMa (December 1st)

Dear All,

The HST observations of ZTF18acxhphf have been successfully completed, thanks a lot for your observations!

The next target is CH UMa, the HST team scheduled its observations for next week, between
Dec 1, 2022 21:56:52 - Dec 2, 2022 00:30:34 (UT time)

Your data show that CH UMa is in quiescence after the latest outburst in July.
It would be very helpful if you could keep monitoring this object for the next week, with few data points per night. In particular, it is crucial to obtain a positive detection of the target the day before the HST observations, in order for the HST team to finally approve their execution.

Thank you for all the data you have collected so far and good luck with the observations!

All the best,


next HST target V479 And on December 22 - CH UMa completed

Dear All,

The HST observations of CH UMa have been successfully completed. This was a difficult target given its frequent outbursts and your observations have been crucial to verify the quiescence state, so thanks a lot for all the data!

The next target is V479 And, the HST team scheduled its observations between
Dec 22, 2022 21:51:12 - Dec 23, 2022 03:33:56 (UT time)

It would be very helpful if you could keep monitoring this object for the next week, with few data points per night. In particular, it is crucial to obtain a positive detection of the target the day before the HST observations, in order for the HST team to finally approve their execution.

Thanks and good luck with the observations!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
V479 And being observed with HST Dec 22-23

AAVSO Alert Notice 805 reports on the scheduling of V479 And with HST for 2022 December 22-23.  Please see the notice for exact time, details, and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

ASASSN-18dg and SDSS-J08044 scheduled for February 10th and 16th

Dear All, 

Happy new year!

The HST observations of V479 And were successfully completed on December 22nd, thanks for all your observations.

Because of some difficulties with the scheduling, HST will not observe any of our targets in January, and our program will resume in February. 
The observations of ASASSN-18dg have been scheduled for February 10th, and SDSS-J080449.49+161624.8 will be observed on February 16th.

It would be great if you could keep monitoring both of them, with few data points per night for the next weeks. As usual, it will be crucial to obtain a positive detection of each target the day before their HST observations, in order for the HST team to finally approve their execution.

Thanks and good luck with the observations!

All the best,

Variable Star NETwork (VSNET)
Observation report of SDSS J080449.49+161624.8

Dear All

I wish to report of our observation of SDSS J0808449.49+161624.8

Date : Feb 14, 2024 , Japan Standard Time

Julian date : 2460354.94207507  ;

magnitude : 18.26  (in outburst?)

filter : g ;

instrument 3.8m Seimei telescope with TRICCS CMOS camera ;

Sky condition : fairly clear but cloud was coming by the end of exposures 

Observers : Chatief Kunjaya and Keisuke Isogai

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST obs of ASASSN-18dg and SDSS-J080449.49+161624.8

AAVSO Alert Notice 810 reports on the scheduling of ASASSN-18dg with HST on 2023 February 10-11 and of SDSS-J080449.49+161624.8 on February 16.  Please see the notice for exact time, details, and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SSS 100511:061754-362655

Do we have a date, time scheduled for this UG yet?

I've gotten it a few times but it is at a very low altitude for me.

Jim DeYoung (DEY)

SSS 100511:061754-362655

Dear Jim,

Thanks for your message and sorry for the late answer.
The observations have been scheduled for between March 23rd and 24th, but the exact time is not known yet.
I'll post the exact time once I have more details.

All the best,

HST observations of SSS 100511 scheduled between March 23rd-24th

Dear All, 

The HST observations of SSS 100511:061754-362655 are scheduled between March 23rd and 24th. 
I'll post here the exact time once it is known.

This object underwent into outburst on February 21st and it is now back to quiescence at V~18.5.
This target seems to outburst on short recurrence time but, given the recent outburst, there are high chances that the HST observations will be successful.

It would be great if you could keep monitoring it, with few data points per night. As usual, it will be crucial to obtain a positive detection of each target the day before their HST observations, in order for the HST team to finally approve their execution.

Thanks and good luck with the observations!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SSS 100511:061754-362655 rising...

JD 2460019.52  16.30 (0.08). air mass 3.7

At my latitude I can only get it for about 10 to 15 minutes in late twilight before it goes into my tree line, not sure how much longer I will be able to get it.

If this is a rise to maximum then it would appear the current outburst interval is around 23 or so days. 

Jim DeYoung (DEY)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SSS 100511:061754-362655 exact HST time - Alert Notice 818

Alert Notice 818 reports on the exact times of HST observations on 2023 March 24 of the cataclysmic variable SSS 100511:061754-362655. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SSS 100511:061754-362655

Visual observation tonight shows SSS 100511:061754-362655 has risen further to outburst.

2023 Mar. 17.49310   15.3  Mar. 17.52780   15.3





SSS100511:061754-362655 in outburst

Dear Rod and Jim, Dear All, 

Thanks for your updates.

Indeed, the target has been in outburst since the 16th and, at the moment, is as bright as V~14.5
The HST observations are scheduled for the 24th (at 03:08 UT) and the HST team will review the light curve of the object on the 23rd, around 12:00 UT.
Any data from the next few nights would be extremely helpful to verify the behaviour of the source.
Hopefully the target will start going back to quiescence soon.

A big thanks to you all for your help!

All the best,

SSS 100511:061754-362655 successfully completed

Dear All,

Even if it was a challenging target, the ground based monitoring showed that the observations were safe for the detectors and HST successfully observed SSS 100511:061754-362655 on Friday morning.

Thanks a lot for all the data you provided!

In April, HST should observe GP Com. We'll post here once we have some news about the exact schedule.

All the best,


HST observations of SDSS1619 of May 5 - GP Com on May 25

Dear All,

The scheduling for our program has been slightly modified and no targets have been observed in April.
In May, HST is going to observe two stars: SDSS J161909.10+135145.5 (SDSS1619) and GP Com.

The observations of SDSS1619 are scheduled for next Friday, May 5th, between UT 02:26 - 08:08.
Any data you can collect between today and tomorrow will be very useful to provide the HST team with the information necessary for the approval.

At the moment, the target is coming out of an outburst and is as bright as V~16.6 and it should be safe for the HST detectors.

The observations of GP Com instead are scheduled for May 25th, the exact time is TBC.
Thanks for your continuous monitoring of this target, any data you can collect in the next ~20 days will also be very helpful.


Thanks a lot and clear skies!


SDSS1619 completed - GP Com to be observed this week

Der All, 

Although SDSS J161909.10+135145.5 was not back to quiescence, the HST observations went well and, thanks to your data, we will have additional information to interpret the UV data.

This week, HST will observe GP Com on 25 May 2023 21:37:48 - 26 May 2023 00:02:44 UT.
We will need to provide the final photometric observations on May 24th by 13:00 UT. The monitoring is showing that the system is stable at V~16 and any data that you can collected on the night of the 23rd will be very valuable to verify that the system is safe to be observed with HST.

Thanks for all your work and good luck with the observations!

All the best,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST obs of SDSS J161909.10+135145.5 and GP Com -Alert Notice 823

AAVSO Alert Notice 823 announces an observing campaign beginning immediately on the cataclysmic variables SDSS J161909.10+135145.5 (Her) and GP Com in support of HST observations. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
GP Com being observed with HST May 25-26

AAVSO Alert Notice 825 reports on the scheduling of GP Com with HST for 2023 May 25-26 UT.  Please see the notice for exact time, details, and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

GP Com completed - HP Lib scheduled for June 23rd

Der All, 

The observations of GP Com went well, thanks for your observations!

The next target is HP Lib, and the HST observations are scheduled for June 23rd. The time is still TBD, I'll post here once I have more details.

Good luck with the observations :)

All the best,

HP Lib observations on 23 Jun 2023 00:57:20 UT

Dear All,

The exact UT time of the HST observations of HP Lib is:

Start time: 23 Jun 2023 00:57:20               End time: 23 Jun 2023 03:23:26

The monitoring is showing that the system is stable at V~13.5 and any data that you can collected tonight will be very valuable to verify that the system is safe to be observed with HST.

Thanks for all your work and good luck with the observations!

All the best,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HP Lib being observed with HST June 23

AAVSO Alert Notice 827 reports on the scheduling of HP Lib with HST for 2023 June 23 UT.  Please see the notice for exact time, details, and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

HST observations of V1082 Sgr scheduled for August 11th

Dear All, 

The HST observations of V1082 Sgr have been scheduled for:

11 Aug 2023 02:23:24 - 07:59:23 UT

This is very bright target, close to the bright limit of COS and its observation with HST might be difficult.
Any photometric data you can obtain in the next night, particularly on the night of August 9th and 10th would be extremely helpful to understand if the system is safe for HST.

Since this is a relatively bright target, if possible, any spectroscopic data would also be helpful to try to model the system and understand its brightness.

Thanks a lot for your support!

All the best,

V1082 Sgr - spectroscopic information

Dear All, 

Any spectroscopic observation that you can obtain tonight would be extremely helpful to understand the safety of the target.
Ideally, a spectrum covering at least the wavelength range between 4000-8000 with R~500 or higher would allow us to understand better the accretion state in the system.

Please, let me know as soon as possible in case you are successful in obtaining a spectrum since the HST team will make their decision by tomorrow August 10th 12:00 UT.

Thanks a lot for your help!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
V1082 Sgr being observed with HST August 11 - Alert Notice 831

AAVSO Alert Notice 831 reports on the scheduling of V1082 Sgr with HST on 2023 August 11.  Please see the notice for exact time, details, and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

V1082 Sgr failed - V584 Lyr scheduled for next week

Dear All, 

Unfortunately the HST observations of V1082 Sgr could no be executed given the brightness of the system.
Thanks anyway for your help.

The next target for HST V584 Lyr, its HST observations have been scheduled for:

Aug 24, 2023 21:26:29    Aug 25, 2023 01:33:37 UT

The system is in outburst at the moment, hopefully it will decline by next week.
We will need to provide the final photometric observations on Aug 24th by 11:00 UT. Any data that you can collected in the next days, especially on the night of the 23rd, will be very valuable to verify that the system is safe to be observed with HST.

Thanks for all your work and good luck with the observations!

All the best,


V584 Lyr completed - LL Lyr scheduling pending

Hi Jim, hi All,

Thanks a lot for the data V584 Lyr! With these observations we could show to the HST team that the target was safe for the detectors and the observations were successfully completed :)

We don't have a date for LL Lyr yet. It is possible that the observations will be delayed to October because of other constraints on the HST schedule. I'll post here when I have more details.

Thanks once more to you all for your support!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
LL Lyr HST observations September/October - Alert Notice 833

AAVSO Alert Notice 833 reports on LL Lyr likely to be being observed with HST later in September or in October.  Please see the notice for details and instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2022-2023-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

LL Lyr postponed - Thank you!

Dear All,

The last target of the campaign, LL Lyr, had to be cancelled because of some constraints with the HST scheduling due to the satellite passage in the South Atlantic anomaly. Given that the visibility window from the ground of LL Lyr is quickly closing, its HST observations have been postponed to next year, probably in summer time. Nonetheless, thanks a lot for all your support, your data will still be useful for us to understand the long-term behaviour of the object.

We are now moving into the last year of the HST program, 12 more objects will be observed in the next HST observing cycle, starting next month.
The first target is BF Eri, whose observations have been scheduled for November 10th (exact time to TBC).
It would be very helpful if you could help us with the monitoring of this object, which appears to be in outburst at the moment.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support during this campaign. Your observations has been extremely important to assess the feasibility of the HST observations, which wouldn't have happened without your work!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BF Eri

Hi Anna,

BF Eri went into an outburst on October 10. My latest observation was last night, 231017.609   134,  so it is fading from the outburst. From my data, BF Eri typically has brighter outbursts, around 12.6, and fainter ones, around 13.4. The brighter outbursts seem to have a range of 60 - 80 days. So, it looks like no outburst should occur around the November schedule. From my observations, the minimum of BF ERi is around 14.6 - 15.0.





BF Eri - more details in the new campaign forum

Hi Rod,

Thanks a lot for the info! The expected outburst recurrence time is very useful and seems promising for the HST observations.
The observations of BF Eri have been scheduled for November 10th, I just posted the exact time in the forum for the new campaign.


BF Eri - more details in the new campaign forum

Hi Rod,

Thanks a lot for the info! The expected outburst recurrence time is very useful and seems promising for the HST observations.
The observations of BF Eri have been scheduled for November 10th, I just posted the exact time in the forum for the new campaign.
