TCP J05293666-7009566: possible nova (12.6 mag) in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Sat, 07/27/2019 - 19:00

TCP J05293666-7009566 = BraTS-T1-003 = AT 2019lvm (N:)

Spectroscopy, multiband photometry, and precise astrometry are urgently required.

2019 07 27.3496 UT
Discovered by Cristóvão Jacques, Leonardo Amaral, Carlos Colesanti, Eduardo Pimentel, Israel Mussi, João Ribeiro de Barros, Marcelo Domingues, Paulo Holvorcem, and Tasso Napoleão on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search (BraTS) at SONEAR Observatory, Oliveira, Brazil with six frames with 60 seconds exposure using an telephoto 200m f/1.8 + Canon 6D camera with magnitude 12.6 under limiting mag = 15.5. Nothing is visible at this location on the previous frame (limit mag = 15.5) taken on 2019 July 25.3618 UT. Possible Nova in LMC.

2019 07 27.76 UT
Also reported as "AT 2019lvm" and "BraTS-T1-003" to the Transient Name Server by Cristóvão Jacques et al.:
No brightenings were recorded by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) between 2014 April 29 and 2019 July 24, complete data set (and "light curve") at…
--- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

Clear skies,

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Still brightening: 11.8 mag on July 28.36 UT

2019 07 28.36
mag. 11.8; 200-mm f/1.8 telephoto lens + Canon 6D camera; observers C. Jacques, L. Amaral, C. Colesanti, E. Pimentel, I. Mussi, J. Ribeiro, M. Domingues, P. Holvorcem, T. Napoleao on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search (BraTS) at SONEAR Observatory, Oliveira, Brazil.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


One question (excuse me in advance in case it is already answered in any other post/site, or if we should not ask this directly in this topic): by what name/designation should we report observations of this object? So far I have not being able to get WEBOBS accept any name variation I've tried to enter in.

I am not very experienced yet with Vphot but have obtained a couple of V measurements that would like to compare with which others (more experienced) might have acquired, in order to learn and maybe submitting them if I felt self-confident enough that they might be useful (ensemble photometry with iTelescope T32, yesterday supposeadly around (12,167V+-0,009) and a moment ago around 11,53V+-0,023)

Thanks in advance!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thank you very much Josch! I

Thank you very much Josch! I confirm now I am able to index Webobs by the transient designation. I honestly don't know what happened before(yesterday I also tried with its VSX's assigned AAVSO UID unsuccessfully). But also now I realize that your submitted observations seem to be the very first ones, so at least now I understand the part regarding why I could not see any observations to compare with up to now).

I see that your V measurement better fits the figure that was reported in the updated notice. I appreciate your help and feedback. I will reinspect everything and do my best to try to identify my sources of errors.I hope next Choice course on VPhot help me improve on that ;-).

Best regards from Canary Islands!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Comparison stars


Any chance we could get some good B and V mag comparision stars close to the target?



Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Position and magnitude range updated in VSX

2019 07 28.8211 UT
Photometry results were B=11.63, V=11.38, Rc=11.29 and Ic=11.14 with 0.43-m f/6.8 CDK astrograph + FLI PL4710 CCD at iTelescope.NET, SSO, Australia. Position end figures were 36.68 and 57.6 in R.A. and Dec.
Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sequence for TCP_J05293666-7009566

A sequence has been created and is available in VSP on an F scale chart. It isn't a great sequence. There is a gap between 113 and 127 where no suitable comps were available. The field is incredibly crowded and the density of dim stars was simply too great to find comps fainter than 146 that didn't have crowding stars too bright to ignore. 

Brad Walter, WBY