VStar 2.16.7 release

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 02/27/2015 - 17:10

VStar version 2.16.7 has just been released.

PLEASE NOTE: With this change it was necessary to create a new .jnlp file so it is imperative that you delete any old versions of vstar.jnlp you might have on your computer and download a new version from here: http://www.aavso.org/vstar-overview  When you click the blue "Download VStar Now!" button it will download the new version of vstar.jnlp which you can keep on your desktop (or any other convenient location on your computer) and use to launch VStar.

The biggest thing in this release is a behind-the-scenes change David made in order to improve VStar's database connection capability. Hopefully, the connection will no longer be lost if VStar sits idle on your computer for awhile. 

In addition, some improvements were made to the French language version of VStar. Thank you Damien!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Note on plugins

Another note: I don't think that any of the plugins were changed, but should you have trouble using any of them, please try using the Plugin Manager (Tool > Plugin Manager) to update them. Remember to close then reopen VStar after updating the plugins so that any changes made will take effect.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VStar Download

Hello Sarah and David

Thanks for the heads up about the new VStar.  I was able to download this new version, but had to update my Java first.  All went smooth and its now running.  Thanks for doing this.  I am really using this tool more and more, and I need to take the Choice course on it to become proficient.  Think there is one in March.  

Update--yes there is one in March.  Just signed up for it.  Its March 2-27th.  Looking forward to it.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi David,
I got the new

Hi David,

I got the new version of VStar up and running; thanks for all your hard work!  I just wanted to let you know I am getting this message after VStar is idle for a few minutes (on Windows 7; Java Version 8 Update 31):


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: Idle

Hi David,

After upgrading to a new JAVA version "V8 update 40" (I am still running XP), I tried the new VSTAR (2.16.7). It opens, but when I select a star, either from the 10-star list or one of my own choice, VSTAR attempts to "connect to the AAVSO database". Unfortunately it never gets out of this mode :( 


Helmar (AHM)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


Tried it a few more times and still getting the same result:  Works fine until I stop using it for a few minutes, then I get the error message when I come back and try to do anything.



Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)

Hi Blake and Helmar

Hmm. Sorry you are having this problem.

Are others here also seeing this database connection problem? If so, can you please tell me your operating system and Java version?


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Database connection issues

Hi Blake, Helmar

Are you using WebStart to run VStar or running it from a local (SourceForge) download?

Just trying to rule out certain things.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: Database connection issues

Hello David,

Sorry for getting back so late - work got in the way...!

I tried the web and the local download version. Getting star data from file seems to work in both cases, but the "connection to the AAVSO database" does not (neither using one of the 10 Citizen Sky stars nor a different star name - e.g.AH Her). Also the "authentication" of member credentials takes a long time, e.g. when trying "New Star from BSM...", with a final error message of "plug-in authorization failed".


Helmar (AHM) 

Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Re: Database connection issues

Hi Helmar

Someone else is seeing errors with JRE 1.8 Update 40 as well. See this topic:


There is at least one report of an applet not working with the new update that used to work with previus versions and WebStart has some commonality with applets, so it's possible this is related but I have no direct evidence.
