
AAVSO Observer Code
URSA Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (Finland) (URSA)
Full Name
Juha Ojanpera
Ulvila, FI
Background/Interesting Fact
I'm a finnish amateur astronomer living in Turku, Finland. I got really fascinated about astronomy already in my childhood, and I have been observing the sky ever since. Amateur astronomy has always been an important hobby for me, and today it is one of the most important things in my life!

I've always been intrested in many aspects of amateur astronomy, but I've been mostly observing objects of deep sky- and Solar system. I'm also very intrested in atmospheric optics and I'm observing atmospherical phenomena regularly. I've always been a visual observer, I've been sketching and describing verbally what I see. Recently I've also included photographing to my hobby, and I'm mostly photographing atmospherical phenomena whenever I see them.

I've also been intrested in variable stars already for a long time, but I really started observing them in 2011. I'm intrested in all kinds of variables, but currently my personal observing program consists mostly of LPVs.

I've also been always involved with the society life of amateur astronomy. I'm member in two finnish clubs of amateur astronomers: Ursa (the national astronomical society of Finland) and Porin Karhunvartijat (a local club of amateur astronomers in my original hometown). In Ursa, I'm currently the section leader of the section of Atmospheric optics. In Porin Karhunvartijat, I'm the secretary of the committee of the association.

I'm currently studying geology in the University of Turku and I'm planning to graduate in early 2014.
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