Special Notice #61: N Vul 07 is now V458 Vul
August 22, 2007: CBET 1038 reports that the GCVS team has given the nova the formal name of V458 Vul. Please use 1950+20 V458 Vul for all future submissions through WebObs.
August 22, 2007: CBET 1038 reports that the GCVS team has given the nova the formal name of V458 Vul. Please use 1950+20 V458 Vul for all future submissions through WebObs.
August 9, 2007: N Vul 07 (CBET 1027, AAVSO Special Notice #55) is most likely a nova [V458 Vul]; high-resolution spectra are being analyzed to confirm the object's nature. An AAVSO Alert Notice will be issued later, but the purpose of this special notice is to inform observers that:
- N Vul 07 (19:54:24.64 +20:52:51.9 (2000.0)) has been added to the AAVSO files as 1950+20 N VUL 07.