I installed sucessfully Anaconda3 today for my PC Win10 64 bit platform. Python 3.8
I followed your instructions on running the TG_V6.6.pyw - Shortcut using the APP c:/ProgramData/Anaconda3 folder and selected pythonw.exe.
I waited ...
Nothing happened.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sat, 10/22/2022 - 17:53
I copied the following from the TG instructions page. Is this what you did?
After successfully installing Anaconda –
If Windows requests you identify what program to use to execute TG_V6.8.pyw, navigate and select c:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/pythonw.exe. You will need to scroll down all the installed apps and at the bottom, select the option to open Explorer where you can navigate to the c:/ProgramData/Anaconda3 folder and select pythonw.exe. The program you select is automatically used in the future. FYI, when you start the program with the icon the first time, it may take 15-30 seconds to start – be patient.
If TG has not started, use this approach: