LPV Videos


Betelgeuse Is Pretty Cool: Cosmic Questions for our Naked-Eye Neighbor
Dr. Emily Levesque
presented on October 9, 2021

A Romp with Betelgeuse
by Tom Calderwood
presented on June 26, 2021

Solving the Red Supergiant Problem with a New Class of Pulsators
by Trevor Dorn-Wallenstein
presented on May 22, 2021

Using AAVSO photometry to understand and characterize variable giant stars
by Dr. Steve Howell
presented on March 13, 2021

Why is it Important to Observe/Monitor LPVs?
by Margarita Karovska
presented on March 8, 2021
(NOTE: This talk begins at 56:20 on the video)

Long Period Variables Observing Section Webinar
by Rich Roberts, Abby Waggoner, Dr. Michael Stroh and Dr. Margarita Karovska
presented on August 1, 2020