John W. Briggs

AAVSO Observer Code
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Full Name
John W Briggs
Magdalena, NM, US
Background/Interesting Fact
As a native of Massachusetts, I was very fortunate to have attended AAVSO events starting as a young teenager, my first being a 1973 symposium at Stamford Observatory in Connecticut. My first annual meeting was later, when my future wife Elizabeth and I attended the 1977 event at Maria Mitchell Observatory on Nantucket. It was all very wonderful, and it was also my first opportunity to present science papers. I had worked at Maria Mitchell that summer. The modest success of my performance was due much to the polish of director Dorrit Hoffleit. After my presentations involving photographic photometry, someone asked, "Just what is a fly spanker?" Already an instrumentalist at heart, this was a question I could answer! ;-)