AAVSO Observer Code
Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e.V.(Germany) (BAV)
Full Name
Bernhard Wenzel
Austria / Vienna, AT
Background/Interesting Fact
Hi, I come from the BAV (www.bav-astro.de)
I am observing with a Skywatcher 102 / 500 mm Achromat-Refractor, a 200 / 900 mm Newtonian and a 300 / 1200 mm (15kg) Orion light weight Newtonian telescope. Mount: Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro and AZ-EQ6-Pro (It is very silent, this is good in a crowded neighborhood, if someone tries to sleep, while others are doing photometry (-;). Accuracy with Muniwin 2.1.32 is about 10-50 mmag, with darks and flats & ensemble-photometry: 3 - 10 mmag (at good seeing conditions) ! With the focusing aid tool of APT, one can even obtain good defocusing or proper FWHM.
I use a 14 BIT DSLR Canon 200 D / SL2 / x9 and an older 14 BIT DSLR Canon 1100 D / T3 / x50.
For details See: https://www.astrophotography.app/EOS.php
Autoguidung starting from 2021: ZWO ASI 120 MM-S with https://openphdguiding.org/
I am observing with a Skywatcher 102 / 500 mm Achromat-Refractor, a 200 / 900 mm Newtonian and a 300 / 1200 mm (15kg) Orion light weight Newtonian telescope. Mount: Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro and AZ-EQ6-Pro (It is very silent, this is good in a crowded neighborhood, if someone tries to sleep, while others are doing photometry (-;). Accuracy with Muniwin 2.1.32 is about 10-50 mmag, with darks and flats & ensemble-photometry: 3 - 10 mmag (at good seeing conditions) ! With the focusing aid tool of APT, one can even obtain good defocusing or proper FWHM.
I use a 14 BIT DSLR Canon 200 D / SL2 / x9 and an older 14 BIT DSLR Canon 1100 D / T3 / x50.
For details See: https://www.astrophotography.app/EOS.php
Autoguidung starting from 2021: ZWO ASI 120 MM-S with https://openphdguiding.org/