The next meeting of the Spectroscopy Section will be Tue, Jan 9 at 7 pm ET (0000 UTC). I will be giving a presentation on atmospheric differential refraction and the importance of slit rotation when acquiring spectra. If you use a long wavelength range spectrometer, such as the Alpy 600, this will be of particular interest to you, although anyone doing spectrometry will find it informative. Information on accessing the on-line meeting is found in Lauren Herrington's sticky post in this forum or in the Spectroscopy section of the AAVSO Observing Sections. See you there.
Hi, Scott,
I look forward to attending your talk. Please, when will the access information for Jan 2024's Spectroscopy Section meeting be available?
I can't retrieve the link for that, I don't recall whether it is a permanent link or not.
Ari Siqueira
Lauren Herrington updates the info for the monthly meetings in the Observing Sections under Spectroscopy including the link to the Zoom meeting. She has not yet updated the info for the upcoming meeting, but I expect she will do so soon. Not sure, but I believe the link stays the same. Look at the "Monthly Meetings" section of the page and check back for Lauren's update.
Looking forward to it. Access?
The link for the Zoom meeting is in the Spectroscopy section of the Observing Sections page. Lauren Herrington updates the info for the monthly meetings including the link to the Zoom meeting. She has not yet updated the info for the upcoming meeting, but I expect she will do so soon. Not sure, but I believe the link stays the same. Look at the "Monthly Meetings" section of the page and check back for Lauren's update.
Hi Scott
Thank you for stepping in as Co-Chair as Lauren continues her quest of Astronomy.
I see that these meetings are moving to the second Wednesday of the Month. Will these be recorded? There is vital information for those who wish to learn about Spectroscopy but cannot attend the meetings. Unfortunately , this night coincides with our local Astronomy meeting, so I will be able to attend.
Thanks in advance.
Kim Hay
The same here.
So sad I missed yesterday's meeting.
Was it recorded?
I'm checking into whether I'm allowed to record the meetings. If I am, then I will record them going forward.