Anyone out there still using an Apogee AP7 or AP7p camera? Or familiar with them from old days?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 02/08/2021 - 04:03

Hi Folks--

I have just inherited three old Apogee CCD cameras -- two AP7p's and one plain AP7.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that I have no cables and no power supplies.  I gather that the AP7 used a computer card, so unless I can find the original card, using that camera may be nearly hopeless.  The AP7p's used parallel cables with a "pig tail" running to a power supply.  I can build cables.  Can anyone supply me with a pin-out of the AP7p cable and pig-tail?  Details of the power supply?

Does anyone still have copies of the drivers appropriate for the AP7p camera?  Any copies of documentation out there?

THANK YOU for any potential help on these issues!

--John W. Briggs (a new board member of AAVSO).

FOAH Observatory, Magdalena, New Mexico


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AP7 drivers


I still have, stored away, an AP7 with the ISA card interface.    Somewhere I may still have the drivers for that camera on a 1.44 MB diskette.   If my memory serves, I think that diskette contained the drivers for several AP cameras from that era.   I'll look around for it and whatever documentation I can find.

In those days MaximDL CCD software contained the drivers for the AP cameras.  Try the link on this page:

You might also ask Doug George from Diffraction Limited if he still has the AP7p drivers.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Help reactivating AP7 cameras

Thank you very much, Phil!  I'll remain hopeful that someone will also know something about the AP7p cable and power supply.  There's still a chance that I'll find the original cables to these old cameras.  But I'll build my own if I can learn the pin-out.     Yours truly,   --John.