Filter recommendations for CV Time Series

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 06/11/2024 - 05:17

I am purchasing a new filter wheel with 50mm unmounted BVI filters for my QHY600M camera (used on a 14” SCT and a 6” FS152 Tak)

Should I consider a filter, other than unfiltered, for capturing CV Time Series data?

Is a Luminance, Blocking (UV/IR), or other filter preferred for CV imaging?

Thanks, Stephen

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Filter recommendations for CV Time Series

I do a great deal of time-series work. I use a Luminance filter rather than totally unfiltered. I find the UV/IR block gives me better (tighter) photometric results. Also it's a shame to 'waste' a slot in a filter wheel as I also like to do regular LRGB imaging as well as the photometry. (I use my RVB photometric filters and get good images).

