ER Oph

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 05/29/2023 - 18:45

Hello -

I'm starting to do monitoring of ER Oph. Checking the VSX this is a symbiotic with a range of 11.8 < V < 14.8. There are many observation observations in the database of visual observations of around 6 mag. Have these been checked?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ER Oph wrong data

Hello Martin,

ER Oph is a mira (type M) not a symbiotic (at least that is not stated in VSX).

And you are correct, nearly all the observations in the AID are obviously not for ER Oph but for another very bright (mag. 6-7) star.
Those observations were imported from the AFOEV database, so we will contact the observers in order to determine what the star they observed actually was.

Thanks for pointing out this issue.

Best wishes,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Symbiotic nature

Hi again Martin,

Yes, I later saw that it was a campaign target.
There is nothing published yet on its nature but maybe after this campaign some evidence might be collected.
Spectroscopy might be interesting in this regard.

I'll let you know when the light curve has been cleaned up.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Position issue?

Note: the position of ER Oph as the AAVSO finder chart uses is incorrect. The correct (SIMBAD) position is 17 00 42.128 -26 10 12.688