Searching on type of variability yields apparently inconsistent results

Fri, 06/04/2021 - 05:13

Some searches are successful, e.g. M%, AM%, DQ%, but others not, e.g. DSCT%, PPN%.

Why is this?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Hello Roy,

Sorry for the delay, last week I couldn't do anything because of a tooth infection and now I am getting up to date with everything.

Can you give us more details about the problem you are finding?
What do you mean with successful or not in this context?

What do you expect the results of those searches should be and what are they actually?


VSX Searches: inconsistent results?

Hello Sebastian,

The problem started when I wanted to find out how many post-AGB stars associated with planetary nebulae (PPN variability type) there are in the VSX. V885 Cen is one, and searching on "V885 Cen" displays the results, stating the variability type is "PPN".

When I search on "PPN%" the response is "There are no records that match the search criteria". Since V885 Cen is a PPN, there should have been at least one.

So, I searched on types that should have returned many results. M% returns many stars. To my surprise, DSCT$ returned "There are no records that match the search creteria", despite DSCT being listed as a variability type in the variability types document. In the GCVS there are over 300.

There are presumably explanations for the above. I'm just curious to know what they are.

And I'd still like to know how many PPN stars there are in the VSX :-)



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Clear the form


the most likely explanation is that some of the other fields are filled with some value from a previous search and that is causing the search to come up empty.
When you start a new search, always use the "clear" button at the bottom.

I get 28 results for PPN%, and V0885 Cen is among them.

Try doing that and let us know.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Roy,
You don't have to…

Hi Roy,
You don't have to clear the Search box, you need to use the "Clear" button in the form to make sure everything is being deleted and your new search will start from zero.
I do not have any problem with the searches you mention, so I am sure that the fix is what I mentioned above.
Try again please.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Same problem described by Roy

I've tried doing similarly as Roy. For example, I typed in the VSX search window  DCEP% and received a Search Results reporting "0 records". I then clicked the "CLEAR" box as suggested by Sebastian and tried the search again. And again, "0 records" returned. I clicked the CLEAR button once more and searched this time on EA%. As before, Search Results yielded "0 records".



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
OK guys, let's try another…

OK guys, let's try another thing.
Scroll down to the check boxes near the bottom of the search form:


Image removed.VariablesImage removed.Suspects

Image removed.Non-variablesImage removed.Not checked

Make sure that all boxes are checked (at least the Variables box).
Searching for DCEP% gives 5165 results.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


>>> 1. I click the CLEAR button at the bottom of the VSX search page.


>>> 2. I then go to the "Include" section. I click on each of the boxes (Variables, Non-variables, Suspects, and Not checked). This clears the check marks in each of these small boxes.

This means no results will be displayed, you have to check some of the boxes.

>>> 3. I then repeat my search in the search window Name field near the top. Again, "0 records". I did go back to Include and checked the Variables box to get a check mark in the box. But my search result was as before.

Having them checked should give you a list with all the confirmed variables.

>>> What am I missing?

Can you send me a screenshot (or two screenshots, as many as needed to see how your search form looks like when you are about to click on "Search")? Send it at


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Variability type not Name box


Put DCEP% in the Variability type box (open with "more") NOT the Name box, which should be blank.


Thanks Ken. That works. But…

Thanks Ken. That works. But folks should be aware that the "More" and "Less" buttons expand and reduce the search form in two steps. That is, if you start with the most basic form, you have to tap/click the "More" button twice  before the form expands enough to see the "Variability type" search box.

But that doesn't explain why a search on variability type works consistently in the "Name" box for some types and consistently not for others.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Names vs. types

It's good that you figured it out.
I always assumed you were in the extended search form, because there is no Variability type field in the basic search page.

Regarding why you get results for M%, that's because there are variable star names that start with the letter M, like the MGAB variables discovered by Gabriel Murawski, or GCVS stars starting with that letter (MM, MN, MO, etc.).
There will not be any variable star name starting with "PPN" or "DSCT" and that's why you won't get results.
The Name box will always try to solve names.

If you look at the results for M%, you will see that they are not miras (there might be some but that's just a random thing).
