Folks - The Chroma filters are in stock. There are varying views on them (for photometry) and I was curious if there were any updated thoughts about buying them. They are very expensive as I need the 50x50 ... so any last minute advice is appreciated.
Wed, 02/24/2021 - 15:01
See if you can find the Baader 50 X 50mm filters.
A few months ago Baader announced that they were stopping production of JC filters, and these would no longer be available once the current stock had been sold. They are listed as "sold out" on the Baader home page, but they are still offered on the Adorama site as full sets "subject to availability". Maybe Adorama still has some in stock. ...worth asking.
Also, consider Optolongs. From a quick look around, I didn't see 50 X 50mm JC sets or individual filters on offer, but they might be available somewhere or by special order.