No lightcurve plotting?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 02/11/2021 - 23:42

It seems like recently when one asks for data for a star either through the 'recent observations' or getting a lightcurve, it says there are no data for the star.  An example I tried just now is VZ Cam.  The recent observations shows 12000-some data points, but clicking on 'get lightcurve' says ain't no data for that star.  I got the answer was seeking (are some archive data already in the database? [no]) by looking at the bottom page of the data-series, but it seems something isn't linked quite right.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
No lightcurve plotting?

This now seems corrected.  I was probably trying to do this during the maintenance period earlier today.  Sorry.
