I have been observing the sun for several years now.
I have just completed a training course on the classification of variable stars and light curves in French at AAVSO.
I am asking myself a very simple question without a precise answer, here it is:
- Regarding solar cycles, is there a convention established by the scientific community to determine the start of a new cycle? If yes, what are the criteria used?
Thank you in advance and have a good day,
Max Surlaroute
Hi Max,
There seems to be many theories on when and how the new solar cycle begins and ends. You may find some references here: https://ssnworkshop.fandom.com/wiki/Presentations_3
Hi Rodney,
Thank you very much for these documents.
No doubt this will allow me to form an opinion and learn more.
Have a nice day,
Max Surlaroute
The SILSO September 15, 2020 News Release explains how they have determined that a new cycle has started. http://sidc.be/silso/node/167
Their criterion (SILSO) is "mathematical" .... change in growth .... variation in the slope of the tangent to the cycle curve ... null-positve-null-negative-null = one cycle ... .And so on !
Thank you Rich GRIB and have a good day,
Max Surlaroute
Hi Max,
Will you be submitting your observations to the SunEntry database?
Hi Rodney,
Sorry for the delay in responding.
I look forward to submitting my data in the near future.
I have been observing the sun for a few years now, particularly in astrophotography (see my website https://sites.google.com/site/cielaumax/Photos/soleil )
I am interested in it more closely to add the scientific aspect!
For the moment I am exploring databases, software, specific terminology for different parameters, etc ...
Besides, if you can suggest a book, a website and / or a software to me that would allow me to improve my training in this direction, that would be appreciated.
Of course my mother tongue is French but I can read in English with a satisfactory understanding.
Good evening,
Hi Max,
One of the best books, I think, is from Peter O. Taylor - 'Observing the Sun': https://duckduckgo.com/?q=observing+the+sun+%2C+taylor&t=osx&ia=web
Perhaps that will help. Taylor was the AAVSO Solar Chair back in the 1990s.
Hi Rodney,
Thank you for your suggestion. I have made some eBook purchases on this subject in English and French.
I believe I am ready to participate in the SOP (Solar Observing Program)
I have reported my request to participate.
It is to be continued! A new adventure .....
Have a good day,