I would like to know the meaning of the letters TB, TG, TR in a light curve chart. I can infer the meaning of the other letters: Vis (observation with the naked eyes or through binoculars or telescope, no filters), Faint (magnitud less than the faintest comparison star), B (using blue filter), V (using green filter), R (using blue filter), I (using infrared filter). Would you tell me if I am right or wrong? What are the measurements with photometry, with a CCD or a DSLR?
Thank You.
Celso Montalvo.
Hello Celso
The TB, TG, TR are for DSLR photometry using the cameras bayer pattern. BVRI are for Johnson-Cousins Photometric Filters (most popular for variable star science), Vis is for visual naked eye estimates. CCD is usually done with BVRI--or Sloan filtrs which are similar but not the same as BVRI. Sloan are usually designated with lower case and a prime--ie g' for example.
Thank You Very Much!