Interpretation of a Light Curve chart.

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Sat, 09/05/2020 - 16:11


I would like to know the meaning of the letters TB, TG, TR in a light curve chart. I can infer the meaning of the other letters: Vis (observation with the naked eyes or through binoculars or telescope, no filters), Faint (magnitud less than the faintest comparison star), B (using blue filter), V (using green filter), R  (using blue filter), I (using infrared filter). Would you tell me if I am right or wrong? What are the measurements with photometry, with a CCD or a DSLR?

Thank You.

Celso Montalvo.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Light Curve Chart

Hello Celso

The TB, TG, TR are for DSLR photometry using the cameras bayer pattern.  BVRI are for Johnson-Cousins Photometric Filters (most popular for variable star science), Vis is for visual naked eye estimates.  CCD is usually done with BVRI--or Sloan filtrs which are similar but not the same as BVRI.  Sloan are usually designated with lower case and a prime--ie g' for example.