Hey everyone!
I was wondering if you have any good papers on the research of Novae for someone that has a science background and a good grasp of the basic concepts, but wants to dive deeper?
I've read the 40 page document posted on AAVSO titled Classical and Recurrent Novae by Ulisse Munari along with the intro section on Novae.
I've searched ArXiv but only find papers on specific stars and events.
Have you read the book: Classical Novae by Bode and Evans.
Take a look at the HEN website. It's not complete yet but getting close.
Look in the "blue box" under "Miscellaneous Links" and click on the "AAS Nova and Supernova Astronomy" link. There is alot of information and you can hopefully find what you are looking for.
Dedrick, Ordering it now! Thank you for the recommendation!
Dave, Thanks! I'll head over there now!