Gaia19edn (AT 2019qfj)
Alerting date: 2019-09-14 15:01:12
Alerting magnitude: 12.29
More details:
Precize photometry and scpectroscopy urgently needed
Clear skies,
Róbert Fidrich
ASAS-SN light curve:…
The light curve is probable contaminated with a 15.7G mag (16.2V in APASS) star located only 8" from Gaia19edn. (That star is Gaia DR2 4060063199439915264 or USNO A2.0 0600-27892004.)
Gaia19edn 20190912.1428 <15.9g ASN
Gaia19edn 20190912.1441 <15.88g ASN
Gaia19edn 20190914.8551 <14.85g ASN
Gaia19edn 20190914.8787 <15.44g ASN
Gaia19edn 20190914.8811 <15.62g ASN
Gaia19edn 20190915.0962 <16.17g ASN
Gaia19edn 20190917.7911 <16.98g ASN
and even the positive detections on 20190915.7895 (16.075g) and on 20190915.8512 (15.51g) have large errors (0.191 and 0.162 respectively).
Thus I assume this nova candidate might be highly reddened.
Clear skies,
90s with I filter using T30 of, Siding Spring. Very bright in I-band.
90s with V filter using T30 of, Siding Spring. Obviously very red.
Photometry will be done later. An AAVSO sequence is needed.
Preliminary photometry:
Gaia19edn: 20190919.3916 UT 17.04V (using APASS V comp stars).
Preliminary photometry:
Gaia19edn: 20190919.3937 UT 11.79I --> V-I~5.2 mag.
New AAVSO sequence created. It will be available via VSP soon.
AAVSO chart of Gaia19edn: