Since late November, I have not received any MyNewsFlash e-mails. After some sleuthing by HQ, they found that my e-mails were bouncing and had been blocked by my provider (AT&T). I am able to receive other e-mail from the AAVSO (alerts, communications,etc.) just not MyNewsFlash e-mails. Nothing in the settings for my e-mail client or AT&T's webmail shows any blocked addresses. This is an action taken by AT&T.
Anyone else have a similar experience and, if so, what was your solution?
I too have suddenly ceased to recive MyNewsFlash e-mails by my regular email.I changed my email address inMy Profile to a gmail address and they are coming again .
Very strange
Hi MNF subscribers,
After considerable investigation, we discovered that MNF messages were being blocked by some observers' email providers due to an obscure technical issue at our end. That was resolved this week (which is why Bob Modic started receiving his MNFs again).
We also cleaned up some observer accounts that had one email address stored in one place within our data tables and a different email address stored in another place. Pat, I think your MNFs stopped coming because the email that MNF had been using was the one we had to delete. By changing your email on your My Profile page, your MNF subscription was reconnected.
If anyone is still having trouble receiving MNFs (after updating your email address on your My Profile page and saving the change), please let us know.
We thank you for using our MNF service, and we apologize to you for any inconvenience!
Good observing,
Thanks for the explanation Elizabeth and thanks to all concerned with ferreting out the cause of the problem .
I have received no MyNewsFlash emails since September 20. Is this happening to other users? Are gmail users receiving MyNewsFlash emails regularly?
I am receiving alerts, circulars, and other emails normally.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for letting us know. We'll check to see if there is an issue at this end and we'll let you know. It's good to hear you are receiving the other electronic publications from us - that makes me think it is your provider, but we'll check.
Best wishes,
I am still not receiving MyNewsFlash emails. After the upgrade or attempted upgrade last Thursday, I did not get the email circulars that normally come on Fridays. I have been checking the spam folder to make sure they weren't marked as spam.
I did get the weekly data usage report on Sunday, which is my only email from AAVSO since Nov. 15.
Should I switch from to a gmail address?
This week's circulars have arrived, but MyNewsFlash is still missing.