I am looking to do fourier analysis to produce a fourier spectra of the variable star XX Cyg. I am using VStar and after inputting my string of Magnitude VS. HJD - it is not showing me that the fundemental frequency for XX Cyg ( ~ 7.5 ) is going to the main power.
Has anyone worked with this or tried to do something similar ?? Not sure if I am inputting anything wrong or not reading it right.
Hi Ariella
I downloaded the last two years of XX Cyg data in VStar and used these parameters in DCDFT with Period Range:
minimum: 0.1
maximum: 0.2
resolution: 0.000001
The top hit from this is 0.134864 days which is close to the VSX period:
That gives a reasonable phase plot.
You mention 7.5 for the period, so perhaps we're talking about a different star.
I was able to finish my research- thank you for your help
Perhaps by 7.5 was meant the nominal frequency (in the conventional-only-in-astronomy cycles per day). A common, minor error.
Of course! Thanks.
I was sucessfuly able to get the value I needed - I noticed while changing the paramters ( min max and resolution ) the main frequency stayed the same but depending on how the parameters were changed - majority of other numbers changed. Also, the order of power ( which should be the primary frequency in my research ) changed. Are the parameters extra sensitive to certain values or inputs? Or do they mean something special and I'm missing it?
Sorry for the questions - I am just an undergrad trying to figure this out! Thank you