I have not seen, nor anyone else reported, an outburst of this supposedly UGSU variable since mid-2009! Prior to then, it outburst every 2 or 3 years, fairly regularly. However, it's now 8 years and counting without any activity! Is this possible for an UGSU type, or has this star been mis-categorized?
Hi Mike,
Maybe the mass-transfer has considerably slowed down? There are a few other UGSU's with the same 'symphoms' : SX LMi, TU and WY Tri
Well Eddy, SX Lmi just missed 2 years, now restarted OB in 2017, TU and WY Tri show lower amplitudes of OB recently, though the data is somewhat limited, esp. the change from the visual a long time ago, to recent CCD measures. None of these show the dramatic, sudden, total stoppage of outbursts like WX Cet!