Determination of stellar temp and spectral class from (B-V) photometry

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 08/14/2017 - 22:09

Dear AAVSO colleagues;

I recently performed CCD photometry on KP 301510 with B and V filters.  Reviewing the stars VSX information, KP 301510 is a DSCT (Delta Scuti) type star with stellar spectral class A0-F5 III-V.  Employing the transformed B and V photometry data and data from VStar, (B-V) results in 0.67.  Converting the B-V (0.67) to temp using the graph on page 1076 provided by Sekiguchi and Fukugita: A study of the B-V Color Temp Relation, AJ, 120: 1072-1084, 2000, the resulting temp is 5700 K, a G type star.  Also, referring to Johnson and Morgan’s Astrophysical Journal, 117(3), 313-352, 1953, page 346 shows that a B-V of 0.67 is in the G star range.

Is there an offset I also need to calculate to obtain the correct temp and stellar class?

I would greatly appreciate assistance if you can provide publications and or textbooks on the method to convert B-V to temp and spectral class.

Thank you;


Joe Kalen

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Color excess

Hi Joe,

One of the shortcomings of inferring temperature and spectral class from the B-V index is that you need a good estimate of the color excess -- denoted as E(B-V). Interstellar extinction can have a huge effect on the observed B-V, causing a star to appear redder and cooler than it actually is. The color excess is the difference between the observed B-V and the B-V in the absence of interstellar reddening. For example, if the star's intrinsic B-V is 0.2 and you measure B-V = 0.5, then E(B-V) = 0.3. So the unexpectedly red color of KP 301510 might be caused (at least in part) by interstellar reddening.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Stellar temp and spectral class from (B-V)

According Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011 (ApJ 737, 103) the mean value of redeening for KP 301510 is:
E(B-V)S and F =  0.0322 +/-  0.0007 (mag)

According Schlegel et al. 1998 (ApJ 500, 525) the mean value of redeening for KP 301510 is:
E(B-V)SFD =  0.0374 +/-  0.0009 (mag)

So after appliing dereddening for your estimated  B-V=0.67 the collor should be convert to:

(B-V)S and F = 0.67 - 0.0322 = 0.6378

(B-V)SFD = 0.67 - 0.0374 = 0.6326

so the temperature of that star should be:

Teff S and F = 5 730 K

Teff SFD =  5 740 K

or spectral type: G4

Not a big difference with your calculations.



P.S. by the way in VSX database I could not find a spectral type of that star

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
2MASS (J-K) color

P.S. Acc. 2MASS (J-K) color = 0.385 so acc. Tokunaga A.T.: 2000, Allen's astrophysical quantities, ed. by Arthur N. Cox, p. 143, Springer, New York, the temperature of KP 301510 is: clas is

T = 5 760 K

or spectral class is the same as in previous post: G4


Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e.V.(Germany) (BAV)

From APASS color index B-V = 0.601 I would estimate Teff app 5 910 K (without correcting for metallicity; M.Saxner, G.Hammarbäck, Astron. Astrophys. 151, 372-390, 1985) and from 2MASS J-H color index 0,311 I wolud estimate 5 830 K (A. Collier Cameron et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380, 1230-1244, 2007; see Appendix B). This puts KP 301510 in a temperature regime recently drawn attention to by Qian S.-B . et. al. Note figure 3 and figure 4 in for further details.


Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Not a DSCT

The conclusion to draw from all this is that KP 301510 is likely not a DSCT, but probably a W UMa type binary (with twice the period given in VSX).  A detailed light curve (in B and V) will be able to prove this: the phase plot might show different minima and/or maxima and a similar amplitude in B and V (a DSCT would show a larger amplitude in B than in V).


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Interesting project

I was the one who revised this star some time ago. I must have missed the color facts... But I see I had some doubts because I added an uncertainty mark. In fact the amplitude as a little large for a normal DSCT.
Even when the period would be okay for an EW, the light curve looks weird, too shallow minima.
Multicolor data are welcomed!