Now that I have my transform coefficients setup , I come to find out that Vphot cannot do series transforms so I have to report all my image series untransformed..
I do NOT have Maxim and I use Sequence Generator pro to capture and AstroimageJ to process and Vphot..
Thoughts on transforming a series?
Pablo Lewin
PS we're talking about 100 subs per night, kinda hard to do one at a time....
Look into TA under Data/Data Analysis/Transformation on the AAVSO web site.
You can download the individual time series (e.g., V and I) AAVSO reports generated by VPhot and then cut and paste them into TA.
Take a look. Ask George Silvis (programmer) or I if you need help.
Hi Ken
Thank you for your reply. I had downloaded TA before but then I read that it doesn't do "Ensemble Photometry" and I misunderstood what that meant..now I know that ensemble and series are two different issues.
I've uploaded a screen grab of my Transformation coefficients and a screen grab of the Transform Applier Coefficient page and as you can see it's a little complicated with so many input possibilities so my question is..
Where exactly do I input my EXISTING Transformation coefficients as depicted in my screen grab into the Transform Applier Coefficient page? (too many windows with 1/2 slope, slope TBV TVEr.. where? including my color coefficient.
It's clear tonight, and I'm planning to image several campaigns tonight, automatically including Tabby's star.
Thanks again!
The easiest way to populate the TA coefficient columns is to go up to the top right where it says change and click on it. Just tell it where you saved your transform file and it will do the input for you.
Otherwise you can type them in manually Tbv and then the error Tb-vb and the error and Tv-bv and the error. Those are the only three you need to fill in if you just have a B and V filter.
And don't forget to give it a name and SAVE it!
Thank you again John, I just ran a series of about 90 subs on Vphot, and downloaded a series AAVSO report which I then copied and pasted on the application side of TA.
I'm adding 3 screen grabs. One is the Transform coefficient of my scope (Pablo's Transformation coefficient PNG The second one is the way I inputed those coefficients on TA and finally the report where it tells me that I have missing coefficients..
Obviously I'm doing something wrong (I'm a genius!) I think it has to do with the way I input the coefficients on TA?
Thank you!
Two things I noticed right away. You don't have your errors got your coefficients listed.
Also on your measurements file in TA, I only see measurements in B. Where is the V file of measurements.
You need both....
Ok I think I understand now. I tried to create a time series by selecting BOTH V and B filter targets on Vphot and this is the response I get from Vphot "All images must be of the same target, and taken with the same filter". What you're saying is that I have to create two SEPARATE V AND B time series reports and paste them on TA? Is that how it works?. I've attached the TG reports and I've now included the errors on TA...
Yes sir bothering V and B time series. TA with then compute the difference in your B and V values and apply your coefficients to them. It will output one file if successful which you will save and then input to the AAVSO.
Ok I've added the TA output file to this post. I've never seen a successful TA file report before..irrespective of whether my coefficient numbers are great, does this look Kosher to you?
Yes they look kosher. I see some no's in there however. You may need to troubleshoot those yourself. Have you tried to upload the file to the AAVSO? They should all day transformed yes. Keep at it and do some more. After a few it will be second nature. Congrats! Also check your final mag estimates and make sure they are not out of wack with everyone else. There are a few submissions from other observers that are.
This images have already been reported so I will get new ones tonight, will transform and report.
I will let you know if AAVSO accepted them as transformed series or not.
Take care and thanks again!