I have (another) problem, this time with Vstar 2.19.0, trying to reproduce date for AA Cas as per user manual pages 72-81. I'm running Vstar under Ubuntu Linux 15.04.
In DCDFT with frequency range-->select a series, the Parameters windows is already populated with some values (see image).
When I click Create Model, the Harmonics per period window is empty and clicking OK an error message appears (period list error).
Exactly the same result with DCDFT with period range, except for an empty Parameters window .
No error messages on the Linux console.
...everything else seems to work properly.
Simone (SSIM)
Hi Simone
Was this scenario working with previous versions or is this the first time you've tried to do this?
If you have not already done so, could you try changing Locale Preferences (added in 2.19.0), exiting VStar, restarting it and trying the DCDFT scenario again? This will tell us whether it's another locale related bug or not.
Hi David
just noticed that with my locale settings from Preferences menu ( in Linux Ubuntu it_IT is the default locale), when I open Parameters windows, the decimal separator is a comma. When I perform CLEANEST, in the Refinement Parameters window, the decimal separator seems to be a period, then in the next window a comma again. I also tried with a change in locale preferences ( it_IT, it, en_AU, en_US).. nothing happens. No messages from the console.
Same problem under win 7 and also using Vstar 2.17. I noticed the same thing:my locale settings are with comma as decimal separator.When I perform CLEANEST, in the Refinement Parameters window, the decimal separator is a period, then in the next window a comma again.
Hi Simone
I was away most of this week for a workshop.
So, apart from the CLEANest selected periods dialog using periods not commas, does the CLEANest result happen? It does for me with it_IT locale.
Is the problem you see and can't workaround that no harmonics per period exist after the create model buton is selected?
Yes, no harmonics exist, and when " create model" is selected an error message ("period list error") happens.
Here are some screenshots:
#1 : select periods and click CLEAnest button then,
#2 and #2a : select OK in "refinement Parameters" window, then
#3: select "create Model" button (no harmonics appear in the window), then
#4: select OK on "harmonics" window: an error message happens.
Hope it helps.
Hi Simone
Sorry for the delay in replying. Just been a bit busy lately.
I agree that in the refinement parameters dialog, the displayed numbers should be localised, but I don't think they are the cause of a problem.
In the last 2 screenshots, no row seems to be selected, yet the Create Model button must have been enabled for you to be able to get the Periods dialog (screenshot 3) or is it that I just cannot see the selections?
It should be the case that if you set your locale to English (e.g. en_US) in Preferences and ext/restart VStar, the problem should go away. But I think you said you tried that and it did not, right?
Hi David,
now it works.... you are right: no rows were selected, so it was impossible to see any harmonics..
Sorry, I just skipped this step.![frown](//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.4/full-all/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.png)
Thanks for the patience.
No worries Simone. Good.
What puzzles me still is why the create model button was enabled in the absence of any row selection. Perhaps we can isolate the steps that led to that. May be CLEANest step related.
I've created a ticket at least to change the CLEANest prameter dialog period values to be localised: