V2492 Cyg observing campaign

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 04/06/2017 - 18:40

AAVSO Alert Notice 573 announces a multiwavelength (optical to infrared) observing campaign on the young eruptive star V2492 Cyg. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Many thanks, and good observing!

Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Questions about this campaign? Ask me!

Hi, observers! I'm Michael Richmond, an AAVSO member and a part of the group which is requesting your help through this Alert. Thank you very much for your time and effort!

The basic idea is that we would like photometric measurements in a standard passband once a night or every few nights, between now (Apr 7) and Apr 30. If you have time for just one shot, please use "V"; if you have multiple filters and the time, we'll gladly take I, B and R (in that order) as well. Sloan filters are okay, too. The source is bright enough (V = 14 or so) that it shouldn't take long to acquire a good signal.

Please transform the measurements into the standard system if you can. I can help with that if you're not sure what to do -- just ask here, and/or check the many excellent AAVSO resources on the topic.

It's only visible for a short time before dawn, so we're asking you to wake up very early. Sorry :-( But since the star has entered an outburst state, and we're not sure how long it will last, we couldn't wait to schedule our X-ray observations until it was in a more convenient region of the sky.

Good luck, and thanks again!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
If you have been submitting measurements of V2492 Cyg to AAVSO .

... then I'd like to get in touch with you. Please contact me
at my off-AAVSO E-mail address, mwrsps@rit.edu

I've tried using the AAVSO tools
to contact observers, but only one person has responded
so far. I hope that this message might yield more

Thanks very much.
