Observing campaign on KIC 02856960

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Fri, 07/31/2015 - 13:17

Alert Notice #525 was just issued, detailing a request for time-series observations of an enigmatic multi-component eclipsing binary star.  Observations are needed beginning immediately, with most urgent coverage during the window of 2015 August 8.0 to August 11.0.  Global coverage is urgently desired due to the complex nature of this event; observers in the eastern hemisphere particularly in central and eastern Asia are especially encouraged to participate.

Clear skies, & good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Check Star

Hello Ken and Paul--Great work.  Looks very convincing, something at JD xxx.69 or so.

Can you add the plots of the check star?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
KIC 02856960

Inspired from the results of Paul and Ken a made a rework of my first KIC 02856960 session. I used recommended by Paul 137 as comp star and 143 as check star. The presented graphic is somehow different than this from my previous post. I am not sure whether the real eclipse exist because I need more than one night to accumulate more data for phase curve but anyhow if somebody can encourage me I will submit the data via WebObs. According JD (0.280 – 0.53) my observations precede the Ken’s observations (0.538 – 0.788) and will be interesting to combine all data for phase plot.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
More data


Yes! You should submit it. We need as much data from different longitudes as possible. IMO, you did see the eclipse section just before Paul's and mine!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
More data

OK, it is done!

My points overlap this of OYE but with better S/N ratio.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
More data

Looking both at Velimir's and Yenal Ogmen's (OYE) data, it seems to me that they both captured a longer duration transit as the timing of ingress and egress generally match.



Thank you

Dear All,

Tom Marsh here; I only just saw this forum after Matthew Templeton pointed me to it. I am really excited to see the results -- they look really encouraging and they are the first I have seen which indicate that the events are still happening (I need to contact other observers to see what they managed to get, but there has been a stack of bad weather in Europe at least). From a quick look online the time of the eclipses look unusual, which could be very interesting, but I shouldn't get too worked up until I have plotted the data against a model. I will try to do this and post it here. Assuming we manage to solve this star and submit a paper, I have said to Matthew that I am happy to include all who got data or tried to get data as co-authors.


Model around time of observed dip

Dear All,

I haven't got the data, but I attach a zoom of my model which I hope I have scaled correctly to roughly match the x-axis of Ken's post with the clear dip. Early days, and I will need to look at uncertainties in the elements, but there does look to be a significant time mismatch which I find very encouraging -- we might be seeing flaws in the model!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
An Eclipse

Wll as they say:  If it walks like an Eclipse, and it Quacks like an Eclipse, it must be an Eclipse.


Very nice run on this.  I used MZK's data and plotted the target and the extinction corrected comp star.  Screen shot attached.  The comp star does not completely like a linear correction.  Used 0.6 mags/air mass for this plot.  I don't have an explanation for the non linearity.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
What is the proper name as WebOBS recognizes neither KIC or KID?

What is the proper name of this star?  KIC or KID 02856960.  I have tried both but I cannot seem to upload my data.  My SGN is terrible so I am not sure how much help the data will be.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
KIC 02856960 - 10.08.2015

The last night session does not show evidence of eclipse or transit.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
First attempt

A couple of nights ago (JD 2457244.61650, 2:47 UT on August 10, 2015) I was able to get nearly 6 hours on KIC 02856960 using 600s exposures in Ic-band. SNR was a little less than 100. I used 136 as comp and 137 as check. I've posted the data to WebObs, and it looks like I am running with the pack.
