Observer Totals 27.5 Million?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 12/02/2014 - 20:56

I just noticed the observer total at 27.5+ million.  Seems like its been lurking along at 26.5 million a few days ago.  Did a big observer send in a lot of observations?



British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
First observation


alpha Her JD 2401408.431   Sep 24th 1862     mag 3.1    T.W. Backhouse


Gary [PYG]

Database totals

I would like to post a clarification to the discussion.  The BAAVSS database is just over 2.5 million observations in total.  Of those, the two million observations consist of about 1.2 million observations that are unique, along with about 800,000 that the AAVSO already has -- many BAAVSS observers submit to both organizations, so there are a number of duplicates between the two.  So the total fraction of the BAAVSS database that's currently available through the AID is around 80 percent.

The remaining half million observations are a mixture of observers whom we need to add observer codes for, and observers and/or stars whose identities aren't yet reconciled with our database (i.e. an observer named "A. Smith" who may be one of the existing AAVSO observers).  Sara Beck and I are both working on this project with Andy Wilson of the BAAVSS, and we'll post updates as they occur.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BAA Observations


Its great to have all the BAA observations included in the database where researchers can access them easily.  Thanks BAA for your cooperation and help. 



Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)
27.5+ Million

A thanks to all who have worked on this project.



Bob Dudley