Solar Maximum 2013

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 02/28/2013 - 15:47

From HNL: I am grateful for the opportunity to share some of the items about Solar Observing that I receive in the mail. I have received excellent material from the Sun/earth group from NASA for some time now but, I think that this is an excellent way to tell others about some wonderful resources.  I am not generally into education. Also, I was inspired by the Scrapbook page and find that the people are acting in a professional matter on all forums. I have avoided other postings as I should say are not always directed to the subject and have had some nasty comments about women. 

But, hope to hear from others on how they enjoy sunspots and working with the numbers and photos.  Best for a wonderful Solar Max year. HNL

Old Solar Bulletins and new changes in the solar cycle

Hi Anna,

I understand you helped scan some of those older Solar Bulletins?  That's really appreciated! It's good to be able to look at previous solar cycles.  It's possible the sun is changing in the intensity of the current solar cycle 24.  Here, attached, is a presentation Jamie Riggs did for the 3rd Sunspot Workshop in Tucson:

There was much discussion at the workshop about the Livingston & Penn effect (see presentations) at this workshop, and how this solar maximum is the beginning of the end of the long term rise in sunspot counts over the past solar maximums.  

Rodney (HRHA)

Solar bulletins


Yes, Anna helped out a lot with scanning Tom Cragg's old copies of the Bulletin.  We have them on disk and are slowly working to get them online.  Due to the age of the paper, they were scanned a page at a time, and we wanted to combine them into a single PDF per issue.  We're aiming to get them online this Spring.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Solar Max 2013

HNL greeting another day. The sun rose beautiful today. It may cloud over. But, I feel all warm inside even though the snow is all over and melting. Maybe, more on the way. But, here is the fun things for today.  Http://  You can just go to the site. But, the best part is asking for the educational envelope that they will send you; just fill in the request for address and make sure you put in your astronomy club or even just the AAVSO/solar group.  It comes with a space weather disc to work with the latest software. Every year I get this and look for it anxiously. This year is the focus  Solar Max 2013 and they have a special day in which they have a live broadcast from a special place. More places to go will be posted tomorrow.

 The child within me wants out.  It says; Thanks to all those who spend time in education. Thank a teacher today.  Best HNL


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Solar Max and viewing

 Actually, I almost forgot that I was supposed to talk about the Public Observatory Project that has  online viewing available when the woman are showing the Solar Telescope and the Night time viewing.   It is under the direction of the curator and the Director of the Project. It is physically located In Washington, D.C. at the National Air and Space Museum or the other way around. It is available and has certain hours to anyone who is walking nearby.  Anyhow,  Find it by searching for the Public Observatory Project.  The website has some nice videos and when the sun is out in the area viewing is as it is at the time of  the day.  As with all things we know that if it is cloudy, then the sun is not available.  Bye for now.  HNL 

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Solar Maximum 2013

 Hi:  I located the article that I was trying to find  from 2009 NOAA Predicts Solar Cycle 24.  The upcoming Solar Cycle 24 will peak in May 2013 with a daily sunspot number of 90. Solar Cycle 24 will be the weakest cycle since Number 16.  So, we will have to see if this prediction comes in play since we seem to have arrived at the Solar Max period (Maybe)  Best HNL

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Solar Maximum 2013

NOAA Prediction Center has designated NOW as the Solar Maximum of 2013 and has some great information regarding this Cycle Solar Maximum 2013.  March 22nd, The Sun-Earth Connection site is having a live broadcast of Wallops Island  Satellite launch. Check the exact time for your area If you are interested.  As far as observing goes :  The Sun rose on the new fallen Snow. 

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Everyone who is doing

Everyone who is doing Forums:  What comes with Solar Max 2013. Possible Auroras. Maybe I should just give up on the  weather.  It is clear most nights and the sun shines in the morning. But, then comes the clouds during the daytime and a possible snow flurries AGAIN.  If you are in a clear area, look for the Northern lights or Southern lights as I understand they happen in both places.

 Still waiting. Hope I rememer this when it is 90 degrees F.  Bye HNL

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thanks for the shout-out to educators. It is the best job in the world, but carries great responsibilities as well. You can either fan the flames of interest in a young (or not-so-young) person or squash it completely. Solar observing has been a great way to excite people of all ages in my experience.




PS - I am very disheartented to hear that you were coming across a lot of disparaging remarks about women on other boards.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sunspots here again

HI: I checked today. There were three groups,One large group and two small ones and one on the side.  Didn't calculate the RA. Maybe I will have time,soon. Best HNL

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Solar Maximum 2013

Hi:  I noticed about 3 years ago that there was some discussions about NOT having a maximum this time. Perhaps, this is a decline towards a minimum.  I thought " How wonderful to perhaps be a part of a lesser sunspot cycle; I noticed from the charts that the MAX is actually half of what it was in 2000. Thanks for the link to the presentation.  Yes, I decided that I had to be careful when scanning the back issues as I wanted to stop and read them.  Hope to do some more. They are in a different binding and have to be done on a flat bed scanner.  I also decided that 11 years is a long-long time.When I am already living on borrowed time. Perhaps I can help out in my own way.  Best HNL


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
solar maximum

Hi:  I found my old posts and it is 90 degrees today.  Just heard that Nasa Science news says that the current no sunspots may be another one of those cycles in which the maximum dips down and then up again creating a double high. Enjoying this discussion and hope it is helps to understand the sun. Bye .

solar cycle 24 predictions

Hi Anna,

Yes, NASA may be re-visiting the predicted down turn in this solar cycle 24.  Attached is a presentation from Fraser Watson at NSO discussing how Livingston & Penn may not have included all sunspots when they predicted this weak solar cycle.  



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
solar Maximum 2013

Dear Rodney:  Did you attached the article;  Best Anna