There have been a few suggestions about "data cleanup" in others forums and and usually the posters get pointed to Zapper which I agree is an excellent tool and should be used for that purpose. It occurred to me that the times I most often spot apparent discrepant observations is when I'm using the lightcurve generator. Frankly, although I have the best of intentions, I rarely get around to firing up Zapper to flag those observations because I'm busy doing something else and usually later it's "What was that star again?" and "What was the approximate date of those funny observations?"
It would be nice to have a button or something right on the lightcurve page to start up a web version of Zapper right then and there with the date range that I was looking at so I could immmediately mark those observations. I think you might get some more participation in flagging possible discrepant observations.
Just a thought,
...Tim (HTY)
Thats an excellent suggestion Tim, I fully support that! Whatever way is easier to implement, a link to Zapper from LCG, or better yet, add the Zapper core functionality directly into LCG, so you just click the offending points and submit!
Mike LMK
That would be a very nice feature. If I could "zap" directly from the LCG, I would use it a lot...!
Thanks for the suggestion, Tim, it's a good idea. Sara Beck wrote Zapper and is now looking into how to pass a user's login information and the information about the light curve into a Java WebStart link that launches Zapper.
Enabling "zapping" directly from LCG would essentially require an entirely new light curve generator that's java-based, which would require development time from staff or volunteers. I'd rather start with the first option -- passing plot and user information to the existing Zapper tool.
I have a few
Hi Matt, all
I have a few comments about this.
Just my $0.02 worth.