Images not being solved

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 12/13/2010 - 18:40

I have has a problem with getting red boxes for WCS when using VPhot with images of BF ORI, T ORI and BM ORI.

Other images taken the same night with the same scope (SierraStars) have been OK so I am rather puzzled. Any ideas?

Martin Nicholson (AAVSO = NMR)

Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)
Images not being solved

Hard to tell, but in general the chance of a successful plate solution depends on both image quality and star field. Since some of your images solved the problem is probably related to the field.

The odds depend on the number of detectable stars in the FOV, the more sparse the field is the less are the odds. A very variable background can also cause problems, such as galaxies, dust clouds or similar.

That said, sometimes PinPoint does not find a solution even when the image quality and star density is good. Don't know why, just seems to be one of those things.


Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Astrometry trouble

I've the same trouble with my telescope images. The field is small (12'x12'), but other sofware can solve this image like Astroart / Elbrus with galaxie or without. The pin point sofware is very poor or the choice of stars catalog is not right.

Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)
Astrometry trouble

In your case the problem was not plate solving, but a glitch in the upload software that caused the reference to your telescope setup to be missing. Thus PinPoint could not find the image scale to use.

That uploading problem should now be fixed.

Also, I have reprocessed your images. Almost all of them plate solved, and they are now available in your image list.


Madrid Astronomical Association M1 (Spain) (AAM)
Images not being solved

PinPoint is a powerful tool; plate solving sometimes fail because of the catalogue, when works in poor zones, with narrow field images.