Hi all,
on 10 of 10 images I made on 03/13/2018 I detected an object near M5 I couldn't see on images I made on 02/25/2018 of the same region. I checked asteroids, comets and SDSS so far and couldn't match the object. As the weather actually doesn't allow me to do some follow-up observations I would like to ask whether some can help and confirm the object is real (or not ;).
Position is RA 15h18m59.3s Dec 02d17m57.5
I've added an image with the object at the center, North to the top, East to the right.
The weather is bad, no chance to image that FOV soon. Indeed, DSS images doesn’t show such an object (see the attached image).
The closest star is about 12-13 arcsec away: SDDS12 J151859.70+021746.0 with magnitudes: g'=22.558, r'=21.511, i'=21.147
No ASAS-SN detection. The lastest observation was on 10 March, with 16.6V limit:
Robert Fidrich
I don't know at what time your photo was made, but MPchecker says:
The following objects, brighter than V = 24.0, were found in the 15.0-arcminute region around R.A. = 15 18 59.30, Decl. = +02 17 57.5 (J2000.0) on 2018 03 13.46 UT:
Object designation R.A. Decl. V Offsets Motion/hr Orbit Further observations?
h m s ° ' " R.A. Decl. R.A. Decl. Comment (Elong/Decl/V at date 1)
(5317) Verolacqua 15 18 59.7 +02 18 14 16.2 0.1E 0.3N 9+ 16+ 24o None needed at this time.
So if you made these images from the US, it is very likely that it was (5317) Verolacqua.
Thank you all for your support - I really appreciate it! It looks like my unknown object is the well know (5317) Verolacqua (thx Robert)! My star chart app shows it up once I search explicitly for it :/
At least I learned a lot ;)