Instrumentation and Equipment

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For discussions on all aspects of equipment, from building new devices from scratch, to what ready made products are the best for your current setup. Attached the "Instrumentation and Equipment" observing section.

160 1140 By Darren 11 hours 43 minutes ago

Use of ZWO 533MM with RGB fiters

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Darren Sun, 07/14/2024 - 14:52

Purchased a 533MM and 8 position 1.25" filter wheel. The LRGB filters were in stock, but Chroma have not responded yet to the dealer regarding my order of a UBVRI set of filters. Not even sure the time involved yet, and it's been two weeks. My DSLR is no longer functional, so took this opportunity to upgrade. Since we FINALLY are having a string of good weather, would like to get back to monitoring my 5-6 SNEWS stars and others visible reliably from my yard.

Eyepiece webcam

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
tcalderw Fri, 07/12/2024 - 15:22

I have a situation where I need to monitor the view through my "targeting" eyepiece with a camera instead of my eyeball.  Eyepiece is only 1.25" (a ramsden with limited field-of-view).  Can anyone recommend a suitable USB camera - preferably USB-C - with a frame rate rapid enough for performing fine pointing adjustments?  I probably need 8 feet of cable to reach the computer in all sky positions.  Oh, and camera needs to be supported on Linux.



Filter drawers and filter heights....

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SVD Mon, 07/08/2024 - 18:02

I bought a Askar M54 filter drawer.

The plan was to get some Baader photometric filters and use the filter drawer to swap them during an observing run.

Most of my previous filters (non-photometric) did NOT fit the Baader drawer.  I asked a friend to bring his ZWO filter drawer and though slightly "higher" than the Askar most of my filters again did not fit.

I called Alpine Astro and the Baader photometric filters will not fit in either drawer.

Section Spotlight: Exoplanets, YSOs and I&E

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
tlyster Wed, 06/05/2024 - 20:36

You are invited to a one-hour webinar on June 8 featuring brief talks from three AAVSO Sections:

  • Exoplanets
  • Young Stellar Objects
  • Instrumentation & Equipment

We’ll also discuss the AAVSO's Section system, and ways to get involved.

Registration and additional information here.

Upgraded Las Cumbres 0.4-m telescope systems

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
bskiff Tue, 05/21/2024 - 01:27

     Hardware hounds may be interested in the detailed description of new CMOS cameras and other upgrades to their fleet of 0.4-m telescopes.  The instruments are now wide-field PlaneWave Delta-Rho 35cm f/3 telescopes.  Various performance details, electronics modifications, etc are outlined.

An upgraded 0.4-meter telescope fleet for Las Cumbres Observatory's Educational and Science Programs


CMOS W/MaximDL Experience?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
MJB Mon, 05/13/2024 - 13:17

I am investigating the possible use of 16-bit CMOS cameras from ZWO or Player One with a robotic scope using ACP/Scheduler and MaximDL. Some years back, at least, ZWO cameras might not have played well with Maxim, but these cameras now have ASCOM drivers. Bottomline: Is anyone using a ZWO or Player-one CMOS camera with Maxim DL?

Diffusor use instead of defocus>

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Peter Bealo Wed, 04/24/2024 - 21:14

At Saturday's NEAF a presentation was given on using a diffusor instead of defocusing in photometry.

Does anyone have experience with this technique??

The paper is at:
