Where is UZ BOO?

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 07/02/2016 - 01:25

Several observers reported ( AAVSO CV Circular for Jun 1, 2016 to Jul 1, 2016 ) observing UZ Boo last nite. I was on it too. VPhot says there is no star there on my images. VSP shows no star in the location, nor does VSX. Stellarium says no star where it ought to be. I stacked 100 images in VPhot and saw nothing there. See for yourself. Is VSX/VSP/VPhot wrong? I suspect they all use the same data base.

BTW, I thought my "Star 2" was UZ. It's not. It's constant throughout the night. Image attached is 100 sequential 30 sec. images thru a C filter.

Confused, Lew

File Upload
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Nothing in AID

I don't see any positive observations in the AID at all for the last 30 days, save one 13.3 visual on Jun 30, but that is marked discrepant, and obviously the observer just forgot the "fainter than" checkbox.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
The star UZ Boo probably is

The star UZ Boo probably is about ~20 mag now (it is not in my list) and is too faint to display. The image from DSS shows nothing on that coordinates. Star 2 in your image is UCAC4 561-055129 (GSC 01483-00615) with magnitude 13.175 in V filter and most probably is const.

DSS image




British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
UZ Boo

I alerted observers to UZ Boo being reported at 13.3 from an observation I noted on a AAVSO News Flash.  I checked the DB and also noted that the observer in question used two comparison stars for his estimate - one either side of the 13.3 reported magnitude, and as always I asked for confirmation in the alert.  Following the alert (sent to both CVnet and BAAVSS-alert) several observers (both visual and CCD) have reported back that UZ Boo is not in outburst.  

Just a false alarm.




UZ Boo

As the observer who made the discrpant observation, I report based on last night that I reported the wrong star on June 30, a 13.16 (per Guide 9) that I mistook for UZ.  As of last night, UZ is dimmer than 14.3