HST CV campaign - 2023-2024

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 10/26/2023 - 20:46

Alert Notice 838 announces the targets and approximate schedule for the third year of the HST CV observing campaign by Pala et al. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Here is the table of targets from Alert Notice 838 - it shows which star is planned to be observed when, and whether or not the target was observed or has been rescheduled/postponed.

Targets: November 2023 – September 2024

Name (primary VSX name) R.A. (2000) Dec (2000) Range CV type HST window Scheduled for/Completed
BF Eri 04 39 29.95 -04 35 58.9 12.3 - 15.2 V UG November 2023 November 10 postponed to 2024
KZ Gem 06 53 02.45 +16 39 58.7 14.0 - 17.6 V UGSS+ELL December 2023 suspended or postponed to late 2024
ASASSN-18dg  (Eri) 04 07 49.30 -00 07 16.7 15.5 - 21.3 g UGSU/IBWD+E January 2024 January 11 completed
SDSS J080449.49+161624.8  (Cnc) 08 04 49.49 +16 16 24.9 17.8 - 19.1 r IBWD February 2024 February 16 completed
ASASSN-20pv  (Vel) 10 40 19.50 -49 51 29.7 12.3 g - 17.4 V UGSU/IBWD March 2024 May 30-31 cancelled due to technical issues with HST, hopefully to be rescheduled
SDSS J080846.19+313106.0  (Cnc) 08 08 46.19 +31 31 06.0 14.1 - 20.4 g UG April 2024 April 5-6 completed
ASASSN-19ct  (Cen) 11 33 15.36 -37 10 20.0 13.4 - 17.8 V UGSU/IBWD May 2024 May 18 completed
TW Vul 20 39 34.48 +27 15 55.8 12.8 - 18.4 V UG June 2024

June 28 completed

LL Lyr 18 35 12.82 +38 20 04.3 12.9 - 18.5 V UG July 2024 not observed in July, may be in August
CS Ind 21 59 54.56 -68 50 36.6 11.5 V - 17.6 CV UGSU August 2024 August 30
SDSS J152509.57+360054.5  (Boo) 15 25 09.57 +36 00 54.7 13.4 - 20.0 V UG/IBWD September 2024  

This table will be updated as each target is scheduled, and as observations are carried out.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BF Eri to be observed with HST - Alert Notice 839

Alert Notice 839 announces the HST observing schedule on 2023 November 10 for the cataclysmic variable BF Eri. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASASSN-18dg HST schedule set - Alert Notice 845

Alert Notice 845 reports on the HST observing schedule for ASASSN-18dg. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 scheduled with HST - Alert Notice 848

Link to the Alert Notice has been corrected - apologies! - Elizabeth

Alert Notice 848 announces the scheduling with HST of the CV SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 (Cnc). Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Charts and coordinates

Hi I have a few questions.  First, in trying to properly identifying the target, I see that charts for this star, of varying fields of view (e.g., X35870AKU that I ran) show a dim unlabelled star at just next to the left crosshair. The deepest images I can generate have no such star, only the apparent target, which matches what I see in the SDSS (DR16) image of this field.  What I am wondering is does that star exist, or is it really the target(!?).

I tried to share the SDSS image (color) and my CV image (mono, inverted)- didn't work.  Please let me know if there is a more preferred way to share images.

The second question is re filters.  I'm relatively new at this but have submitted data for the AB Aur campaign (B, V, R and HA).  There, we do H-alpha photometry by measuring with R comp magnitudes, because no transforms exist.  For this object, my SNR for V is poor (under 10 with 1 hr accumulated, I have only an 11" scope) but for CV/clear, I can get to SNR of about 18 with one hour of exposures (30x2 minute subs).  I can't get Vphot to assign magnitudes if I upload as "CV." But if I upload the image as "V" it will assign a magnitude - is this what is meant by "reduced to V sequence"?

Third, the observing campaign provides r magnitudes for this star.  I know you are asking for V, or even B, but is R useful?  I can image deeper in R.  Or perhaps I should opt for a target in the campaign list that is brighter(!).


Image removed.Image removed.

SDSS charts

Hi Jeff,

This is a faint target (V~18.5) and it can be challenging indeed. In the SDSS images:



or the PanSTARRS image:


I don't see any other source nearby. The closest objects is ~14 arcsec north of the HST target. Maybe could you contact me privately to share your images so we  can have a look at them together?

Regarding the filters, CV would be perfect for us if V is not feasible for you. We use V and CV to estimate the emission in the ultraviolet, which is finally used by the HST team to decide whether the target is safe of not for the COS detectors. Unfortunately R is not as useful since it covers a portion of the spectrum where the disc and the donor star start to contribute more than the white dwarf to the overall emission of the system, so the estimate in the ultraviolet becomes less reliable with R photometry.

About Vphot, I'm afraid I'm not be able to help since I'm not an user, but hopefully some other astronomers can give you some help/instruction on how the upload for CV works :) 

I hope this helps!

Let me know in case you have more doubts or questions.


SDSS charts

Hi Jeff,

This is a faint target (V~18.5) and it can be challenging indeed. In the SDSS images:



or the PanSTARRS image:


I don't see any other source nearby. The closest objects is ~14 arcsec north of the HST target. Maybe could you contact me privately to share your images so we  can have a look at them together?

Regarding the filters, CV would be perfect for us if V is not feasible for you. We use V and CV to estimate the emission in the ultraviolet, which is finally used by the HST team to decide whether the target is safe of not for the COS detectors. Unfortunately R is not as useful since it covers a portion of the spectrum where the disc and the donor star start to contribute more than the white dwarf to the overall emission of the system, so the estimate in the ultraviolet becomes less reliable with R photometry.

About Vphot, I'm afraid I'm not able to help since I'm not an user, but hopefully some other astronomers can give you some help/instruction on how the upload for CV works :) 

I hope this helps!

Let me know in case you have more doubts or questions.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
sdss charts

Hi Anna

Thanks for your reply.  Yes, the SDSS and PanSTARRS images are exactly what I am seeing!

Based on your replies, I am confident I am imaging (and measuring) the correct object. From your feedback and the survey images, the very faint star that is not in the crosshairs clearly is the target star!  I must conclude that the AAVSO chart has a slight position error. I'll send you an image of the chart that has this star next to the crosshairs, but I'll work with AAVSO to figure out how it comes out that way.

No matter - I know what I am measuring is correct.  The spectrum of this (very blue) star on the SDSS site is fascinating - it must be really hot!  And of course is brightest in u and goes down through griz.

As for CV, I found a good link from MZK (Kenneth Menzies) who is a prolific contributor, and his instructions make sense. I have to adjust my FITS header a bit to have the photometry come out right.  I think I am sorted there, so thanks.  This also motivates me to finish my 14" Newtonian project(!) and get it on my observatory mount!

Kind regards,


I'd be happy to share my most recent image of the target but don't want to be intrusive - if you wish you can reach me at jeffrey.n.myers@gmail.com

Exact time for SDSS J080449.49+161624.8

Dear All,

The time of the HST observations of SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 is the following:

Feb 16, 2024 23:31:31 - Feb 17, 2024 02:02:55  (UT time)

Any data you can collect on the next nights, especially the night of the 15th and early on the 16th, will be extremely useful for the HST team to finally approve the observations of this target.

Thank and all the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Exact HST schedule SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 - Alert Notice 850

Alert Notice 850 announces the exact HST observing schedule on 2024 February 16-17 for the cataclysmic variable SDSS J080449.49+161624.8. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

Observation updates and SDSS-J0808+3131 scheduled for April 5th

Dear All, 

Sorry for the long silence. The observations of SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 were successfully executed in February. Thanks a lot for all your data!

Instead, the observations for ASASSN-20pv, which were originally planned to happened in March, have been postponed to the end of May. 

The target for April, SDSS-J080846.19+313106.0 has been scheduled for next week, as follows:

Apr 5, 2024 22:41:47    Apr 6, 2024 04:23:03 - UT time

Any data you can collect on the next nights, especially the night of the 4th and early on the 5h, will be extremely useful for the HST team to finally approve the observations of this target.

In the meanwhile, for those celebrating, I wish you a very happy holidays!

Thanks and all the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


The forecast weather at my observing site is grim at best over the next week, possibly the weather will allow something on the night of the 4th/5th but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high!

Others need to pick this object up, please.  Currently SDSS-J080846.19+313106.0 is near 18.5 CV.

Jim (DEY)

HST observations of SDSS0808+3131 approved for tonight

Dear All, 

This was a difficult target and the weather didn't cooperate on many sites, nonetheless your data were helpful to show that the target is in quiescence. The HST team has cleared the observations, which will happen tonight, as originally planned.

Thanks for all your work!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST observing SDSS J080846.19+313106.0 Apr 5-6 -Alert Notice 857

Alert Notice 857 announces the scheduling with HST for April 5-6 of the CV SDSS J080846.19+313106.0 (Cnc). Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASASSN-19ct to be observed with HST - Alert Notice 860

Alert Notice 860 announces that the cataclysmic variable ASASSN-19ct (Cen) will be observed with HST on 2024 May 17. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST observing ASASSN-20pv in late May - Alert Notice 861

Alert Notice 861 announces that the cataclysmic variable ASASSN-20pv (Vel) will be observed with HST on 2024 May 30. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

ASASSN-20pv is the second of two targets scheduled to be observed with HST in May for this campaign. The requested coverage intervals for both targets overlap, but if your observing time is limited, please give priority to covering ASASSN-19ct (scheduled for May 17 with HST, Alert Notice 860), then pick up ASASSN-20pv on the 17th.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASASSN-19ct HST exact schedule for MAY 18 - Alert Notice 862

Alert Notice 862 announces the exact times for HST observations of the cataclysmic variable ASASSN-19ct (Cen) on 2024 May 18 (date revised from Alert Notice 860). Please see Alert Notice 862 for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASASSN-20pv being observed with HST May 30-31

Alert Notice 863 announces the exact date/time for the HST observations of ASASSN-20pv: 2024 May 30 21:05:55 - May 31 00:18:45 UT 

Observations in V tonight and tomorrow night are crucial. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

HST observation of TW Vul scheduled for June 28

Dear All,

The observations of ASASSN-19ct were successfully executed in May while, unfortunately, the observations of ASASSN-20pv had to be cancelled due to Hubble going into safe mode on May 24th:


They will be re-scheduled to a date TBD.
Nonetheless, thanks for all the data you submitted for both targets!

Hubble resumed operation on June 14th, and our next target, TW Vul, is scheduled for this week on:

Jun 28, 2024 03:43:10    Jun 28, 2024 06:17:23 - UT time

Any data you can collect on the next few nights, especially on the 26th and early on the 27th, will be extremely useful for the HST team to finally approve the observations of this target.

Thanks and all the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
2024 Jun. 26.04313    18.178    0.131    V



It wasn't clear overnight, but there was about an hour of clear sky early this morning so I decided to try it. I got a very weak signal in the bright moon conditions in a single frame. The star was definitely below mag. ~ 18 in V. I decided to take a stack of 4x10-minute frames and got the following results:


2024 Jun. 26.04313    18.178    0.131    V


I hope you found it useful!


TW Vul observations

Dear Nikola, Dear All, 

Thanks a lot for the data from the last night, this is already very useful!

Any additional observations from tonight, especially when obtained less than 24h from the HST observations (i.e. after 03:43 UT), would be extremely helpful to demonstrate that the target is safe for the HST detectors. 

Hopefully the weather will improve for tonight!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TW Vul observation

I was just able to image TW Vul. Unfortunately, clouds rolled in before I could get a good SNR. Hopefully, the clouds will part in a few hours, and I can get another observation.


TW Vul   17.977V  err 0.208    2460488.66403    Jun 27.16403




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I was able to take data…

I was able to take data points at 60 and 120 seconds in V band for this target. Unfortunately, SNR was less than ideal at ~11. Did not have time for CV.

Data uploaded; user = KWKA. Hope it helps.


Regards - Bill Kowalczyk

TW Vul successfully observed with HST

Dear All, 

Thanks for all the data and the updates! 
It was reassuring to see all your data confirming that the system is still in quiescence. Thanks to this information, the HST team was able to clear the observations, and the target was successfully observed :)

Our next target on the schedule is LL Lyr. The observing data is still TBD, I'll post here once I have more details.

Once again, thanks a lot for your support, it is great working with you all!

All the best,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TW Vul to be observed w/HST this week - Alert Notice 864

Alert Notice 864 gives the exact date/time for HST observations of the cataclysmic variable TW Vul scheduled for this week. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following AAVSO forums:

 - Campaigns and Observing Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024
 - Cataclysmic Variables: https://www.aavso.org/hst-campaign-dwarf-novae-2023-2024-01

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated, ask questions, and join in the discussion!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

Observation of CS Ind scheduled for August 30th

Dear All, 

At the moment, we don't have an observation date for LL Lyr yet. Hopefully, it will be put back in the schedule soon again.

In the meantime, the HST team has scheduled the observations of CS Ind for August 30th, the time are as follows:


Aug 30, 2024 00:31:22 - Aug 30, 2024 04:42:08  (UT time)

Any data you can collect in the next ~10 days, and particularly on the night before the HST observations (August 28th), will be extremely useful for the HST team to finally approve the observations of this target.

Good luck with the observations!

Thank and all the best,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
CS Ind

Hi Anna,

I have checked my data on CS Ind's past seven outbursts. The outburst periods have been 77d, 128d, 113d, 124d, 82d, and 114d, with the last recent outburst 113d on July 6, 2024. Going by this, the August 30 2024, HST observations should be safe, but you never know.

The only superoutburst ever recorded of CS Ind was in 2018, after a precursor. This is interesting, as the precursor was brighter than the superoutburst!

Best regards,





American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
CS Ind HST schedule - Alert Notice 869

Alert Notice 869 reports on the HST date/time scheduled for the cataclysmic variable CS Ind. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Many thanks, and good observing,

Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ