TG 6.8 Runs but all controls are disabled

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 05/03/2022 - 03:13


I've taken the dive into CCD Photometry, and working on running Transform Generator to calculate the coefficients for my setup - I have B and V filters.  I've installed and able to run on a Surface Pro (Win 10 Pro) and Anaconda 3.  No troubles getting the program to start up and display on the screen....but once it appears, all of the controls are disabled. 

The "Add Scope" Drop down is selectable, but I can't enter a new scope name or anything like that.  

I can choose the standard field and the instrument file type, but the Select File(s) button is disabled.  Other fields on the page behave in a similar manner.  

Here's a screen shot of what I'm seeing

Anyone have any ideas?


Mike Wiles

Mesa, AZ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Normal First Screen


That is what the screen looks like before you create an initial scope.

Click the pull down window for 'Add Scope'. Then click on 'Add Scope' that appears below.

It is two steps that at first may look unnecessary BUT just try it and add a name for your scope.

HTH, Ken


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Ugh!!! I swear I did that!!


Thanks for the quick response.  I was going to say "I did that and it's still disabled".  But I went back and tested and sure're correct.  I appreciate your help.  All set now.

