Is there a spectroscopist who can study the spectral class of a mysterious star called GP Orionis?
Some of my sources say it is an M0, M2, SC7/8 or C8 star.
I have not observed GP Ori yet.
But I plan to in about a week's time.
This AAVSO website have plunged for C8 which is exceptionally rare type of carbon star.
I would be delighted to hear from anyone here on AAVSO.
Thank you from Aubrey. (Gath)
I'll give you all another 7 days to reply on the above post.
Am I putting it in the wrong forum?
I just do not know.
Hello Aubrey,
I would recommend you post to the Spectroscopy forum.
Good observing,
Great to hear from you, Elizabeth.
Thank you for your excellent advice.
I will do as your have suggested.
Good observing to you too, Elizabeth.