PNV J17545999-2122401: possible nova (mag. 11) in Sagittarius

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Sat, 10/03/2020 - 17:42

PNV J17545999-2122401 = BraTS-SON-T2-020 = AT 2020urz (N:)

Discovered by: Brazilian Transient Search (BraTS)
Discovery magnitude: 11.1 (CCD, unfiltered)
Discovery date: 2020 October 2.9799 UT
Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 17 55 00.00 Decl. -21 22 40.1

Spectroscopy is required, as well as further multiband photometry and precise astrometry.

Clear skies,

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Reddened Galactic classical Fe II nova (ATel #14064)

"SALT spectroscopic classification of PNV J17545999-2122401 as a classical nova" (ATel #14064):

Multiband photometry (V, B, ...) and further spectroscopy are encouraged.

Clear skies,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
N Sgr 2020 No. 4 - Alert Notice 722

AAVSO Alert Notice 722 reports on the discovery of N Sgr 2020 No. 4. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

To stay informed about this nova, particularly regarding any campaigns that might take place or changes to instructions, subscribe to this forum thread (option 1 under Subscribe at the bottom of the first post in this thread) -  see comments and questions from observers, and notes from AAVSO HQ. Add a post yourself  -  join in the discussion about this interesting target!

There is also a thread on this nova in the Novae forum.

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

Variable Stars South (VSS)
N Sgr 2020 No. 4.

I took a spectra of this nova last night R=1500

V mag 10.5

The spectra has been uploaded to the database but I don't seem to be able to post an image of it here. It is very reddened with some Ha emission.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
N Sgr 2020 No.4 = V6593 Sgr

Daniel W. E. Green reports in CBET 4865 that E. Kazarovets writes that the permanent GCVS designation V6593 Sgr has been assigned to N Sgr 2020 No. 4. Please use this name when reporting observations to the AAVSO.

Many thanks, and Good observing,
