How are "fainter than" observations (e.g. variable is <9.0) plotted on light curves?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 01/04/2020 - 03:44

Also. please explain use of Comment Code S in WebObs enrties, Thanks.


Plotting 'Fainter than' obs on light curve

If you mean how are fainter than observations plotted on the AAVSO Light Curve Generator, they appear as inverted black triangles. For example, see the light curve of AM Her.

If you mean how do you draw a light curve including ordinary and fainter than observations using a spreadsheet, one way would be to add an extra column of data. Thus, you might have three columns, JD, Mag and Fainter Than Mag. The fainter than observations then become another series.

I'll leave others to answer your request about Comment Code S.


British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Comment code S

If you think their maybe a problem with the sequence you are using (i.e. the comparison star magnitudes), then include an 'S' in the comment column.  I'd also follow this up with an e-mail to HQ explaining why you think there is a problem.  We can all benefit from this sort of feedback.


Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Variable Star Section (RASNZ-VSS)
S code and CHET

Spence, I don't use the S code BUT if I think there is an error, or if I want an existing sequence extended, I use CHET (the Chart Error Tool). The people who look after it are excellent, and respond very quickly.

Stephen (HSP)