Several of the images that I got from BSM_NH on the night of 180509 had the stars trailed in them. Maybe an owl jumping up and down on the telescope or counter-weight -or- a strong gusting wind? The trails are along the columns of the CCD aligned N to S so it doesn't look like a tracking issue. Hopfully not the CCD. The targets affected are Tet CrB and 59 Cyg,
The images taken earlier that night by BSM_NH for 66 Oph looked good.
Hi John,
Sorry - I overlooked this post. I think you have been in touch with Ken Menzies since then, but just for completeness, something happened on 180509. Some images appeared to have a shutter issue (the "trailing" in a vertical direction), and others appeared to be taken in the wrong filter. I tested the camera in my lab, and couldn't get the problem to repeat, so have remounted the camera. BSM_NH took data last night, so we'll see how it worked.