I am using a telescope in Australia that is not calibrating my FITs images with the dark, bias and flat frames. They have a serious issue that is not going to be resolved anytime soon. We are provided with the dark, bias and flat frames. I am looking for a free or inexpensive PC program that will calibrate a FITs vstar image AND output a full FITs image header with the calibrated FITs iamage, so VPhot can use the image. I tried Deep Sky Stacker but no matter what options I choose, it writes a very abbreviated FITs image header that VPhot rejects. Thanks for any adivse in advance.
Wed, 07/19/2017 - 01:55
I use IRIS for calibration.
You can either use a FITS editor program to add to/modify the FITS header or a script. I've written a Python script to do that. Happy to share if you want it.
I would also be intersted in your script to edit FITS headers.
Sorry for the delay Willie.
It's here https://github.com/dbenn/photometry_tools/blob/master/modify-fits-header.py
You may only be interested in a subset of command-line options like --calstat, for setting calibration status.
Let me know if you have any questions.
There are other scripts in that git repository as well.
I use Python now at work. I would love to have a copy of your script(s). Please send them to me at mhotka@yahoo.com Thank you.
I use AstroImageJ for all of my image processing, it is free and quite useful. You can get more information here.