The dwarf nova UV Persei is in outburst, 2012 Dec 11 2000 UT, at approximately magnitude 12.4. (This from a CCD image with Celestron 8" awaiting calibration and accurate measurement.)
On checking in the quick look file there have been a bunch of negative fainter than observations, and some discordant positives at 10.0, 10.2 which conflict with these. Given that these are by one observer while the fainter thans are by several, one assumes the positives are erroneous....
I'll submit this observation more precisely to the AAVSO database later this evening. We are looking to be enjoying a run of good weather over the UK at the moment, so will continue to monitor on a nightly basis.
Clear skies,
Alan Smith (SMI) West Sussex, UK
The chart number for the anomalously bright estimates of UV Per corresponds to the carbon star UV Aur.
Tom Lloyd Evans
St Andrews, Scotland.
The observer who submitted those questionable observations has been contacted and they will be fixed as soon as I hear back from him. They most likely are for UV Aur.
Thanks to both of you for pointing those out.