Charts on iPad?

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 08:58

Anybody putting visual charts on an iPad or some other device and using that at the telescope?  Maybe I'm a johnny-come-lately to the technology, but I was just out taking my first shot at a couple of the new binocular program stars, and using Distant Suns on my iPhone to find the fields, then entering the observation into the AID on the spot using my iPhone again.  It crossed my mind that charts on an iPad could render the whole thing paperless and less hassle.

I think I'll try saving the charts to my iPhone, and see how workable that is.

Just wondering if anyone else was doing anything like that.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AASVO Charts for Ipad

To:  Jim,

I dont visually observe variables, but I tried to imagine what a visual observer chart could look like.  I got this free app on my iPad called AstroClock that gives me sidereal time as well as Julian Date and the color scheme for this app (dark red letters on a black backround) seemed perfect for an AASVO chart that a visual observe could use while doing observations with binoculars, small telescope. 

I made the previously attached file from a AASVO CCD chart of V452 Cas, took it in Photoshop, inverted the image to get white stars on a black backround, then colored everything white with semi-dark red.  The image scale of the chart isn't ideal for visual observing (18' wide), unless you are using a 16" or larger scope from a dark sky site.  Its near pefect for my CCD observations when I have this chart openned. I use a chart like this next to the CCD images I'm photometrically reducing in MaximDL to select reference star, 5-check stars and the variable star to do ensemble photometry.

As you probably realize, the iPad, even at its lowest brightness setting, can be too bright to use near other people doing astronomy, but with this color sceme/brightness, it might be doable.


Re: Charts

Yes me too ! I've been doing it since the summer. I use my charts on my iphone. I save all my charts in a folder called 'AAVSO' and create sub folders within this for each constellation where I store them. Like James, I also invert the colours and simply put on the iphone.
