April 10, 2006
SUBJECT: 1709-29 V2576 Ophiuchi - Nova Ophiuchi 2006 Number 2
Event: Nova in Ophiuchus
Discovered By: Peter Williams, Heathcote, NSW, Australia
Discovery Magnitude: visual magnitude 10.5 (visual discovery)
Discovery Date: April 6.565 UT
Position: Precise position provided by Tom Krajci, Cloudcroft, NM:
R.A. (2000): 17h 15m 33.30s
Decl. (2000): -29o 09' 39.9"
AAVSO Chart(s): V2576 Oph has been plotted on the 'd' scale AAVSO chart for V517 Oph (on the chart it may be labeled 'Var Oph 06'; if so, the label will be updated to V2576 Oph shortly), and is available at:
http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/searchcharts3.pl?name=v2576%20oph [obsolete link; charts may be created using VSP at http://www.aavso.org/vsp ]
Note that the AAVSO charts for V517 Oph were derived from the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand (RASNZ) charts a number of years ago with their permission.
Report Object to the AAVSO as: 1709-29 V2576 OPH
How to Observe: visually or photometrically (V, Rc, or Ic filter)
Observations Reported to the AAVSO:
Mar. 30-31 <12 ~photovisual (ptg w/orange filter), W. Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile (reported via AVSON (see Note b) and CV-net);
Apr. 06.311 UT, 10.7: ~photovisual (uncertain to several tenths, ptg w/orange filter), Liller (via AVSON);
06.565, 10.5, P. Williams, Heathcote, NSW, Australia;
06.590, 10.4, P. Williams;
06.611, 10.4, P. Williams;
07.042, 10.2, (visual confirmation), M. Reszelski, Szamotuly, Poland;
07.1540, 10.2, P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany;
07.3845, 9.220 V +/- 0.01, M. Nicholson, Davenry, Northants, England;
07.4722, 9.4 ptg (Fuji 800 ISO film), D. West, Mulvane, KS;
09.0847, 9.4, A. Amorim, Florianapolis, Brazil;
09.3685, 9.385 V +/-0.02, Nicholson;
09.4549, 9.5, West;
10.3500, 9.481 V +/-0.02, Nicholson;
10.4299, 9.6, West;
Spectra: Spectra obtained by H. Naito and S. Ozaki, Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Japan, and by F. Fujii, Ibara, Okayama, Japan, indicate a classical nova at maximum light (IAU Circular 8700)
Notes: a. Discovery of object as Var Oph 06 announced in AAVSO Special Notice #11 (April 7, 2006), prepared by Aaron Price.
b. Peter Williams' initial announcement sent via Austral Variable Star Observing Network (AVSON).
c. T. Krajci, Cloucroft, NM, reports a nearby USNO-B1.0 star has position end figures 33.007s, 36.84".
d. E. Kazarovets, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, reports that Nova Oph 2006#2 has been given the name V2576 Oph (IAU Circular 8700).
e. For more information, please see IAU Circular 8700, Daniel W. E. Green, ed.
Congratulations to Peter on his visual discovery!
Many thanks for your valuable astronomical contributions and your efforts.
Good observing!
Elizabeth O. Waagen
Senior Technical Assistant
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