VPhot System & AAVSONet Back on Track - 2 May 2012

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 05/02/2012 - 17:53


Disk issues with VPhot have been alleviated and I have gotten caught up with all telescope processing with AAVSONet. Today's processing (the 2nd) occurred under automatic direction.

We're back where we should be!
Richard "Doc" Kinne, [KQR]
Astronomical Technologist
American Association of Variable Star Observers
1911-2011: A Steady Century Monitoring Variable Stars!

Svensk Amator Astronomisk Förening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)

I am experiencing problems using Vphot since the weekend's system maintenance. Sometimes Vphot can't be accessed and the message "Bad Request: Request Header Too Long" shows upon logging in. Sometimes I can log on and the image loads but when analysis starts, variables aren't identified and a small window opens with an error messages, for example " Authentication failed." Sometimes, everything works. Strange.

Has anyone else noticed this?

/Gustav Holmberg, HGUA

Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)

Hi Gustav,

That is strange. No, I have not heard of it before, and I can not see similar error messages on the server, implying it is realted to your browser somehow.

How often does these problems occur? On each session? Does it occur after an inactive period?


PS: Ken, have you experienced similar error messages?

Svensk Amator Astronomisk Förening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)
One image?

Hi Geir,

Nope, not after an inactive period, it can happen right after logging in. Having tried a number of images, I think the problem is connected only with one image. This one, on the other hand, consistently refuses to be analysed, and gives such error messages as the ones above.

I first thought it might be a problem with the plate solution, but after having got a new solution (from astrometry.net), the problems persist.


Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)
Browser capacity exceeded

Hi Gustav,

Thanks. Turns out the total cookie size of the browser is exceeded. Storing information in cookies is a way to persist data in the client browser, and VPHOT store sequence data in cookies. Since this is a wide-field image of a dense field there are hundreds of stars imported from VSX (assuming that you used that feature), resulting in an overload of the browsers capacity.

You would get the 'header too long' error on log in, since the cookies are still present (but it only applies to the relevant URL). If you get into that situation again you need to delete cookies.

I'm looking at alternative ways to store data, but it will require a large modification to the code, so I can't make any promises as to when that change will be done.


Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)
Capacity Issue Resolved

[quote=kge]I'm looking at alternative ways to store data, but it will require a large modification to the code, so I can't make any promises as to when that change will be done.[/quote]

Sometimes (but not often) things are easier than they first seemed. I have been able to replace cookie storage with the new HTML5 storage options, so this issue should now be resolved.

