VPhot to debayer color images

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 11/30/2023 - 01:40

We've begun looking into how to debayer color images uploaded to VPhot. I need examples of what is likely to arrive!

The thought is that color images arriving at VPhot would automatically be split into their 4 component channels as separate fits files.

I have a SeeStar so can examine the colored fits images it puts out.

I need examples of color images from other cameras and software systems. Please send them to me. If they can be uploaded to VPhot, share them with SGEO. If they are in a raw file format, email them to me at gsilvis@aavso.org. If they are too big to send via email, share a link. Or I'll set up a google drive dir you can put them in.

And send me an email so I know what I am looking at in the cases where the file is not self-documenting!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Out of Storage?


You realize this will guarantee that VPhot more frequently runs out of storage space due to large image files?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot load

VPhot's business is to provide a pipeline to our users for their images to rendered into data for the AID.

We need to encourage volume and be prepared to cope with the load!

There are lots of color images out there that need processing!

Bring it on!
