I've gotten a couple of nights of data for V838 Mon from BSM_Hamren. I put in an observing proposal 9 months ago for this star and a few others. The request was approved, and this is the first data I've seen for any of the targets. However, unless some other star is the actual target for these images they aren't useful. Even in I band V838 Mon is too faint to be measured so unless there's another target in this field it should be removed from this telescope's schedule. I see that the larger scopes are mostly non-operational right now. Hopefully, they'll be online soon, and these targets can get into the observing queue finally.
Shawn (DKS)
Actually, never mind! I got one night of data so far on this star from the new and improved BSM Hamren, and the Takahashi E-180 astrograph on it works great. The star is even visible in B, although it would be nice if the exposure could be bumped up from 100 to maybe 180s.
The focus is somewhat off (maybe this is on purpose?). The star images are a little lopsided, too, so there might be a little misalignment. All just part of getting the new telescope calibrated, of course.
Shawn (DKS)
Hi Shawn,
I'll increase the B exposure time for V838 Mon. BSM_Hamren is our future BSM prototype, using a Takahashi E-180 astrograph, a Paramount ME, and a CMOS camera. Much of this equipment is loaned to us from our partner, Tzec Maun Foundation. We're expecting it to be useful from 2<V<16mag. Right now, it is sitting on Gary Walker's back deck, inside of an urban area, so it shows how even such a location can be useful for photometry.
The next copy of the upgraded BSM system is under construction. Stay tuned!
Thanks, Arne, for the exposure tweak.
I didn't realize that BSM Hamren is using a CMOS camera now. Are transformation coefficients available yet? I have to say that the images look good, so that's a good sign. What camera model is it?