update to brno database for Ephemerides program

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 01/18/2024 - 05:13

For those who use the worldwide minimum predictor  at: http://var2.astro.cz/EN/brno/predictions_worldwide.php, you have probably noticed that the site is not working for those not in central Europe. It has been down for many months now and even when it was working the ToMs were not very accurate because of outdated elements. The TIDAK database from the Krakow University site is up to date but doesn't have the search features of the Czech site. The standalone program Ephemerides (available at:  http://www.motl.cz/dmotl/predpovedi/)  is an excellent program for finding events with many filters for selecting events suitable for you locations but it too has out of date elements. I have wrote a program that updates the data file BRNO.DAT used in Ephemerides with the up to date elements from the Krakow database.  You can download if you type or copy in to your browser the following: http://sspdataq.com/Krakow.zip  and then copy the extracted KRAKOW.DAT to the folder containing Ephemerides. In the catalog selection window  of Ephemerides select KRAKOW. 

I have notice that a few of the primary and secondary ToMs seem to be switched for a few of the stars between the BRNO and KRAKOW databases so be wary.  


Variable Stars South (VSS)

These circumstances offer opportunities for amateur observers to update and/or correct data on eclipsing binaries from personal observations.
